Chapter 4: Respectful my Ass!

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I am SOOOOOO Sory that i didn't upload sooner!!

It is hard to find time to type with 3 sisters!!

But i have it up!!

It's not too long but not the shortest!!!

You may read NOW!!!!




Elise’s POV:

Light whispers were floating through the door. Pushing on the door I didn’t even knock and bounded in and plopped down in a chair. “Sup Peeps.” I said to Blake and the Former Alpha, whose name is Keene. Keene looked down at me with disgust, “See this is why we should just hire a better, more respectful, trainer.”  He said rudely, and they say I am rude. “Well she is a really good trainer, so we should keep her around.” Blake stuttered while staring at me, in a very creepy way, may I say. “Uh, well, since he is right, I am a good trainer, I need a room.” I said very cocky. Keene threw down his papers and walked up to me. “You are underneath of us, you need to be respectful.” He said getting all up in my face, let me tell you, I don’t like people that get up in my face, so this pissed me off. “If you want to be logical, I am above you all, well except the court, well I am equal with the elders in the court, and the King. I am the most respected in the ENTIRE court! So I expect you to be reasonable and use that pebble of a brain and think!” I sneered in his face; I had now pushed him up against the wall in anger.

“Why don’t you respect the higher level!!!!!!!” I pushed him away and walked out of the room, but not before flying the two the birdy, just like I did when I left. Walking up the steps, I found the empty guest room. Plopping down on the bed, I was close to falling into a deep sleep when a knock sounded at the door. Signing out in frustration, I went to the door just to have it fling open and whack me on the head. I cursed out and my hand flew to a new forming bump on my head. “What the hell Matt!!???” I yelled out at him as he shyly placed my bags down. “Sorry Eli!!” he said with a smile on his face. “How many times do I have to say NO NICKNAMES!!!” I yelled in his face. He just stood there laughing, when anyone else would be wetting their pants. I soon joined him, what can I say, laughing is addicting!!! After our laughter died down, Matt asked in between little chuckles, “Why-are y-you l-laughing.” I smiled and held up a finger, “Well, you see, at first I laughed because you were and then I thought of how funny the situation was!” I said smiling really big. A sweet smell came drifting in and my smile turned upside down. “I really didn’t find it too funny.” Blake said as he leaned against the door way looking very sexy- not he looks ugly as crap, ‘yes, I will totes believe that.’ my wolf said sarcastically. Ignoring my wolf I stood up, brushing myself off. “What do you want?” I said in an irritated tone.

            Blake’s POV:

This chick was defiantly the Elise fire that I grew up with, and tormented, but she was VERY different… because of me? I slid out of the office to follow her when my dad called out to me. Slowly tuning, “Yea dad?” I asked. He looked as if he wanted to speak but held it in and replied, “Never mind son.” Turning I walked away and down the hall, to have a flying teen run down the hall and knock me to the wall, I heard him call out a sorry and slam open Elise’s door. I think his name was Michael, no Matt. Yea that’s it, this Matt kid just knocked down my mate. Holding in a growl I advanced just to be stopped by my wolf. They both exploded in laughter. Watching as they bickered, I became amused. “Well, you see, at first I laughed because you were and then I thought of how funny the situation was!” Elise said with a huge true smile. “I really didn’t find it too funny” I said as I leaned my back against the door frame. After an internal fight with her wolf, Elise responded rather rudely, “What do you want?” staying quiet I nodded my head towards Matt. She let out a cute little sigh and followed me out of her room. We walked up the steps to my room. When I closed the door I asked, “Elise? If that’s you, give me an answer on why you change?” She let out a loud bitter laugh making me flinch. “Why did I change? I changed for two reasons, either I learned enough that I wanted to, or I’ve been hurt enough and I have to change. Think about it.” She replied bitterly then more worn down. I stood at the door not saying a word. What do I say?

            Elise’s POV:

He stood there silent. Scoffing I shook my head and got up to walk to the door. I pushed him aside and continued on my way out when I heard a soft, “I’m sorry.” I stopped. Thinking again I came to terms and started walking again. Next thing I knew I was pinned against the wall, “Why won’t you except me?” He said desperately. Shaking my head I replied, “Think about it, you treated me like trash then, and now you want to be all close and goody-goody with me? Hell, you rejected me! Right know I Hate you.” I ignored the pained expression in his eyes and tried pushing away, but he held tight. I tuned my head just as his soft warm lips crashed to mine. I almost let out a moan of pleasure, but stopped myself. “Blake baby, what are you doing with that fake piece of trash?” a high pitched screech came out from behind us. Using this as my opportunity, I pushed Blake away and walked away as Andrea attacked Blake with her skimpy little outfit. Pushing away the jealousy, I walked faster. I heard him come after me so I ran up the steps to my old room and shut it sliding down with a sigh. “Hello?” a weak voice said. Looking up I saw a very bruised and underweight girl cowering in the corner. It was the girl from training that caught my attention. “Oh, I am so sorry. I was running from you dick of an Alpha and this was the first room I saw. Is this your room?” Okay that was only somewhat of a lie. I saw her smile as I insulted her alpha. She nodded, “Yea I don’t get too much luxury up her or even in this hell-hole.” She said shrugging. “I used to be in this pack. I was the runt, and this used to be my room. That was last year. I have changed since then. I have no idea why I just opened up to you like that but whatever!!” I said waving my hands around like a maniac. She laughed a bit, its fine, no harm done.” She said. “OMG, I forgot to ask you your name?? What’s your name?” I asked her with a smile. “Liz…” Liz answered shortly. I nodded my head, “You probably know my name already, but my name is Elise Kathrin Fire.” I said to her. “So, um tonight, me and my buddy Matt are heading out to one of the clubs around here, so do you want to come with us?” She was about to answer when she stiffened. “I have to go.” Liz said quietly.

I stood there in confusion as she hurried down the steps. I quietly followed her as she came to a stop at the gym doors. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open he door and scurried in. “Yes Alpha Blake? You called.” She answered quietly. I heard a rough smash into the padded side walls. Walking into the room I saw Liz on the ground. “What is going on here?” I said loudly. Jake looked at me and smirked, “Oh, look-y here! Little miss ass is here to rescue Lizzy!!” he said sarcastically.  I smiled a sickly sweet face, “Well I am, and if you touch her you will feel hell. I DARE you to touch her.” I said my eyes narrowing as he raised his hand to punch her. He smirked and brought his hand down. Just as it was centimeters from her face, I grabbed his fist and spun him aground and into a tight head lock. “I told you, you would feel hell.” I said in a sing song voice. He ran at me once I let him go and I just side stepped him and grabbed Liz and walked towards the door. “Peace out mother f*ckers!” I yelled as we ran out. After we got out of the room we both collapsed in laughter. “D-did you s-see his f-face?” choked out Liz. I nodded laughing still, ‘Eli? We have someone here for you. Guess who.” Matt said in my mind. I groaned and replied, ‘Be there in a jiffy.’

To Be Continued...


I had to add the: To Be Continued...!!

Just had to! Anyways!


There is chapter 4!!!!

Sorry for the cliff hanger!!!!

Gota have them!

Well don't forget to...






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