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Hey are you ok you haven't said much today" Dean says and I glare at him. "Ok wrong word choice but you know what I mean" I soften my glare and nod I hadn't really said anything but good morning to him today and it was already lunch. ' Im sorry ' I apologize 'there's just a lot on my mind with therapy and all' and then the fact that Alex's name is kinda burned into my skin. "oh yeah don't you have to leave soon" he asks looking down to check the time. 1:10. I nod my appointment was at 1:30 so I had go to sign out in a few minutes. I really don't want to do this. What if they think Im crazy? What if my therapist is mean? My hands start shaking and I grip my phone tightly to keep Dean from noticing. 'Im gonna go sign out I love you' I say quickly and practically run out of the cafeteria sure a lot of people stare at my wobbly uncoranted steps but im to busy trying not to fall over to care. 'Text me when its over or if need me' I hear Deans voice echo around my head.

"Hello miss what can I do for you" one of the office ladies asks with a bright smile. I put my finger as if to say one second and pull out the paper I wrote earlier. It pretty much says I have to leave early due to a doctors appointment. "Ok well good luck will be coming back" she asks and I shake my head no because the appointment lasts about an hour and a half and school will out by then. I wave goodbye and walk out. Why do I have to do this again I could always go home its not Dean will know. He'll find out somehow and you know you have to. But I don't want to what if I mess up. You already mess everything else up what's one more thing. Wait you want me to go to therapy? That's weird. Yup seeing as how much you don't want to go this seems like fun. I should've known.

Suddenly I feel someone bump into me causing me to fall down. I look up to see a a guy about my age looking at me. He had black hair with a strip bleached in the front. He had light brown hair skin and looked like he was maybe Mexican. "Oh sorry about that" his voice was deep but for some reason caused shivers to run down my back. I wave it off and stand up. "I wasn't watching were I was going" he says but I swear his lips don't move. Scared I quickly run away and towards my car. Maybe I just imagined it... Yeah with all the stress and anxiety I probably just imagined it.

You never know I mean im real right Winty. Alex is like the voice of doubt in my head and I dont understand why she wants me. Oh but you will soon. Winter dont listen to that thing just get in the car and drive to your appointment. Im sorry Snow I can't tune her out when shes speaking my darkest thoughts. Im pathetic. Yes you can just imagine what she looks like and her voice and build a wall around her. That's kinda like what Dean told me but he had said to imagine the link its self. Yes our mate taught you how to completely turn it off due to the fact that he was the only one in your head. Well this is some good information. You won't be able to your no- I did it I got her to go away. But for how long?

"So Winter my name is Lauren Trench im gonna be your therapist so feel free to tell me anything" the doctor says. She had really light brown almost blonde hair and tan skin. Her office was plain. The walls were white her desk and chairs were grey. She didn't have any family photos or even pictures of herself. I just because what else am I supposed to do. "So how was your day" she asks and I shrug. "Come on if you dont talk I'll have to talk to your parents", did they tell her anything about me?

She stares at me waiting for me to speak but I physically can't. "Winter you have to speak to me so I can't help you" she says but she looks annoyed at me. That's because she is. I told you, you weren't strong enough to keep ne out. I guess shes right but that doesn't mean I can't try again. So I do. "Winter talk I know its hard but just like everyone else you have to talk" she persists. "Do I need to call your parents in here" she asks and I sigh. 'Im very sorry but Im mute so I won't be able to speak to you' I sign hoping maybe she'll understand. But of course she doesn't. "I dont understand signs can you use your voice perhaps" she asks trying to stay calm. "Do I need to bring your parents in here". I thought that they told her stuff about me. Why doesn't she know Im mute or that my parents are dead?

"Winter you have to stop being difficult" she says and I'm transported to a memory I didn't know I had...


I was sitting in an unknown part of the forest. The wind was blowing softly. The sky was an explosion of pinks of purple. In short it was peaceful but why was I here? A few feet away from me I saw a bright light. When I took a closer look I noticed it was a girl. She was dressed in all white and was glowing, the only thing that wasn't white was her brown hair the delicately fell down her back. "Come her Winna" she calls me by the nickname Pete gave me a long time ago. Curious I walked over to greet her as she had me. "H-hello who ar-e you" I slowly stutter out. "Im Rosa" she says as her beautiful white dress flowed in the wind. "Why a-re you glo-wing" I ask and she laughs. "That's because im an angle" she says. "My fos-ter mom said ang-les do-nt exist" I tell her. "Well shes wrong because I am. Wanna see?" she asks and the all of the sudden wing sprout from her back starting at her shoulder blades and ending at her lower back.

"If you're an an-gle then why are you tal-king to me" from what I've heard angles only cone to important people and Mrs.Walters says im just a lying brat. "Because your special Winna when you get older and are ready I'll come back but until then be careful as you start finding out what you are there will be many things trying to hurt you" she says. "B-but wha-t am I the-en" I asks and she shakes her head. "Please" I ask pouting and Rosa shakes her head. "Now I must leave now" she says sadly and I pout more. "Can I co-me with y-ou" I dont want to stay here anymore nobody likes me. "Im sorry I dont want to leave you either" she says and I can feel her sadness. "Then t-ake me wi-th you" I cry out. "Please stop making this goodbye more difficult Winter" she says and then waves goodbye. There's a bright light and then shes gone.
°·°·°·°·End Of Flashback°·°·°·°·

I was 10 when I was living with the Walter family. Why did I not remember that I met an angle?
"Well that's all time we have for today hopefully you cooperate next week" she says and before she finishes I get up and run to my car. I need talk to Dean.

I hope guys liked this update and thanks for reading.

Don't forget to

have a good day or night

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