Voices, Voices , Voices

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Psalms 29:1-11; 30:1-12

    Did you ever meet someone of great importance?  Maybe you were very impressed to stand before them.  You realized the strength of their presence stirred something within you that you could not express.  How do you enter the presence of royalty?  In Some countries, perhaps,  you would enter a luxurious hall and approach the throne with a bow or a curtsy.  What would you say to the Royal person?  With respect and carefully, you would honor their position by addressing them as "Your Majesty, the King or Your Majesty, the Queen!"
         How much more respect and honor do we owe God when we are invited into His Presence.  "Lord God Almighty, we pay tribute to You!"  Our God reigns in Power and Glory!  Two things we feel as we approach Him; a deep reverence, and a strong confidence.  This was David's feeling as he wrote Psalm 29.
         David began Psalm 29:1-2-(CEB)-"You, divine beings!  Give to the Lord-give to the Lord Glory and Power!"  In the Hebrew language the word "divine beings" referred to Angels.  With idolatry all around in other nations, David is reminded that in heaven where God dwells He is surrounded by angels, divine beings.  (Read Psalm 115:4-8 and see how God is above all other nations, that He dwells on high, and He cares about us as human beings; Isaiah 41:21-29 shows the futility of idol worship-false god's.  David was a firm believer in the Only True God, who is worshipped even by the angels.  No one is over Him!
         David continued with "Give to the Lord the Glory due His Name!  Bow down to the Lord in Holy Splendor!"  If this is required of angels, how much more do we need to worship the One who "created us a little lower than the angels and crowned us with glory and honor."-(Remember Psalm 8:5; and read 1Chronicles 16:28-29; there is victory in PRAISE & WORSHIP-2 Chronicles 20:22)
         GOD'S VOICE is IMPORTANT! Praise Him for the sound of His Voice.  We are given seven Voices of God in Psalm 29:3-9-(TEV)-  The Lord's Voice is a sign of authority, power, and strength!:
    1. "The Lord's VOICE is heard on the seas the Glorious God thunders," (Job 37:4-5; the power of thunder, as well as water, was attributed to Baal by the heathen nations, but God is in control there.)
    2. "And His VOICE echoes over the ocean,"  (How David must have thrilled to know the Real True God was in control.)
    3. The Lord's VOICE is heard in all its Might and Majesty!"  (No questions!)
    4. "The Lord's VOICE  breaks the cedars, even the cedars of Lebanon. He causes the mountain of Lebanon to jump like calves, and Mount Hermon to leap like a young bull."  (Isaiah 2:3; 14:8; Psalm 114:4-7; Deuteronomy 3:9-Herman means lofty).
Let's pause here to discuss the cedars.  The massive cedars of Lebanon were up to 85 feet high, and 40 feet around.  But His VOICE is more powerful!  It could break them like toothpicks!
    5."The Lord's VOICE makes lightning flash."
    6. "His VOICE makes the desert shake; He shakes the desert of Kadesh." (Numbers 13:26)
    7. "The Lord's VOICE makes the deer give birth, and leaves the trees stripped bare while in His temple all shout, GLORY TO GOD!"  (Job 39:1-4)
         The VOICE OF GOD follows the movement of the storms; nothing stops the advance of the storms from North to South, from sea to land.  He controls the objects of nature, the trees and the animals.  His strength is over all the earth and its inhabitants.  We are part of His plan and He is aware of all that affects us.
         THE POWER OF THE LORD is stressed in Psalm 29:10-11-(NKJV)-"The Lord sat enthroned at the flood." (Genesis 6:17-18)
"And the LORD sits as KING FOREVER."  (Psalm 10:16-"FOREVER AND FOREVER".)
"The LORD will give Strength to HIS PEOPLE;" (The human 's benefit is in Psalm 68:35)
"The LORD will bless HIS PEOPLE with peace." (Psalm 28:8)
Now can we look at the God of many VOICES and numerous blessings He bestows on us, and not bow down in reverence and in confidence in the God we serve?  I think not!  We approach Him with humility and we have seen the magnitude of His power like a tornado, but not destructive as a tornado!   His power is harnessed for good to care for His people.  As the same power, which snapped the cedar trees of Lebanon, became our strength in times of weakness or need.  Harnessed power is valuable!
         So with this in mind, we enter Psalm 30 where David feels the turbulence within but still admires the power of God in his own life.  Psalm 30:1-(TLB)-"I will praise You, Lord, for You have SAVED ME from my enemies.  You refuse to let them triumph over me."  (Song we sing- "Unto You, O Lord, do I lift up my voice,  Unto You, O Lord, do I lift up my voice;  O My Lord, let me trust in You;  Let me not be afraid, Let not my enemies, triumph over me."; read Psalms 25:2; 28:9; 30:1, 4, 12; 103:1)
         David went on with his PRAISE & WORSHIP in Psalm 30:2-3-(NKJV)-
"O Lord My God, I cried out to You, and You HEALED ME." (Psalms 6:2; 103:3)
"O Lord, You brought My soul up from the grave; You kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit." (Psalms 28:1; 86:13)
Three things God has done for me when I came to Him at 12 years old.  He saved me ( Psalm 30:1); He healed me of epilepsy (Psalm 6:2); and He kept me alive (Psalm 28:1).  You can enjoy these blessings too, as you let Him control your life! 
         So David said in Psalm 30:4-5-(TEV)-"Sing Praise to the Lord his faithful people!" (Psalm 97:12)
"Remember what the Holy One has done and give Him thanks!"
"His anger lasts only a moment, His Goodness for a Lifetime." (Psalms 63:3; 103:9-10;  I am 80 years old now and I  have never failed to see His goodness on me!)
"There may be tears during the night, but joy comes in the morning." (Psalms 5:3; 130:6; 143:8)
         We have to sing PRAISE to GOD!  Remember what He has done, Give Thanks to Him, and we will see His Goodness, for a lifetime, and see Joy in the morning for He cares for us!
         Psalm 30:6-10-(CEB)- David went on to tell what God does for him.  "When I was comfortable, I said, 'I will never stumble.'  Because it pleased You, Lord, You made me a strong mountain."  (David feels the strength of God's Love and care; Psalm 30:6-NKJV-"I shall never be moved.")
"But then You hid Your Presence.  I was terrified."  (Psalms 104:29; 143:7)
"I cried out to You, Lord.  I begged my Lord for mercy: what is gained by my spilled blood, by my going down into the pit." Psalm 6:5, remember this;  Sounds like David went from the mountain top experience to ground zero real fast; but God never changes.  We face heart-breaking, shocking things in life which knock us down to The Valley of Destruction , but God has not changed and He cares for us even in the dark valley of the shadow of death.  We read about this in Psalm 23 but the Lord is still our SHEPHERD and HIS VOICE is still heard in all the earth!
         " Does dust thank You?  Does it proclaim Your Faithfulness? Lord, listen and have mercy on me!  Lord, be my HELPER, " (Helper here =power and strength; Psalm 33:20-22; that's the key to it all is "Wait on the Lord; He is our HELP and our SHIELD.  We will rejoice in Him because we have trusted in His Holy Name.  Let your mercy , O Lord, be upon us just as we hope in You."  (You are our only hope!)
         David knew this as he concluded Psalm 30:11-12-(TEV)
    1. "You have changed my sadness into a Joyful dance;" (Jeremiah 31:4)
    2. "You have taken off my clothes of mourning and given me clothes of Joy." (Psalm 16:9)
    3. "So I will not be silent;"
    4. "I will sing PRAISE to You." (Psalm 7:17)
    5. "Lord, YOU ARE MY GOD," (Psalm 2:7)
    6. "I will give thanks to You, forever." (Psalm 145:21)
         So David moved from PRAISE to sorrow and tears, but again returns to the height of Joy in God.  Perhaps we could take a lesson from David.  Start praising God, take all your problems to God, and you will come out rejoicing in PRAISE & WORSHIP TO HIM! 
         "Nothing can separate me from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"-Romans 8:39
         Next time...

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