Sick of It

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Psalm 41:1-13

  This Psalm is David's prayer for deliverance found in 2 Samuel 15, when David's sickness (verses 3-8), gave opportunity for Absolem's plot to mature, for usurping the throne.  The Familiar Friend in verse 9, must have been Ahithophel, the Old Testament Judas in 2 Samuel 15:12 and John 13:18, 21.  David always ended his Psalms with Praise to God after expressing his hope in God.
         So we begin Psalm 41:1-3-(TEV)-"Happy is the man who is concerned for the poor;"  (This  poor could refer to illness, finances, misfortune- something not our own fault.):
    1. "The Lord will help him in time of trouble." (Psalms 10:2, 9; 109:16)
    2. "The Lord will protect him and preserve his life;" (Psalm 35:10)
    3. "He will make him happy in the land;" (Blessed on earth; Blessed=Psalm 103:1-2)
    4. "He will not abandon him to the power of his enemies." (Psalms 69:33; 27:12; Proverbs 3:1-4)
    5. "The Lord will help him when he is sick and restore him to health."  (Psalm140:12; David was experiencing this sickbed, bed of pain, as he was physically ill at the time.)
         So he pleads with God in Psalm 41:4-9-(CEB)-"But me?  I said, ' Lord, have mercy on me!  Heal me because I have sinned against you." (Personal not physical now; Psalms 62:2; 103:3; 147:3).
"My enemies speak maliciously against me:"  ' When will he die and his name disappear?' (That's what they say) whenever they come to visit, they say nothing of value." (Psalm 3:1; Genesis 12:2).
"Their hearts collect evil gossip; once they leave, they tell it to everybody, all those who hate me talk about me, whispering to each other, plotting evil against me: 'some horrible thing has been poured into him; the next time he lies down, he won't get up.' " (Notice, this is not as some have suggested David pouring out anger on his enemy, but the enemy pouring out hatred toward David. They want him to die and not get up again! That is what the enemies of Jesus wished on Jesus; Matthew 26:14-16, 48-50; Mark 14:18-21; Luke 22:21; John 13:18, 21-30)
"Even my good friend, the one I trusted, who shared my food, has kicked me with his heel-a betrayer!" (2 Samuel 15:12)
         David has felt the hurts of his trust in people who failed him, when he needed their help.  Now he turns to his only hope in Psalm 41:10-12-(NKJV)-:
    1. "BUT YOU, O LORD, BE MERCIFUL TO ME, AND RAISE ME UP, THAT I MAY REPAY THEM." (Psalms 16;10; 118:17-18)
    2. "By this I know You are well pleased with me, BECAUSE MY ENEMY DOES NOT TRIUMPH OVER ME."
    3. " AS FOR ME, YOU UPHOLD ME IN MY INTEGRITY." (Psalm 26:1)
    4. "And SET ME BEFORE YOUR FACE FOREVER." (Psalm 23:6-"...and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."; Job 36:7-"He has seated them forever, and they are exalted.)
         As a closure to this Psalm, David adds his usual praise to God.  Psalm 41:13-(TLB)- "BLESS THE LORD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, WHO EXISTS FROM EVERLASTING AGES PAST-AND ON INTO EVERLASTING ETERNITY AHEAD.  AMEN AND AMEN!" (Blessings of  the God of Israel in the past is affective now as part of the future, since EVERLASTING in David's day includes my day now, I PRAISE AND WORSHIP THE GOD OF ISRAEL NOW, FOREVER! The AMEN means I AGREE, LET IT BE, AND SURELY IT IS SO!  Double AMEN AND AMEN MEANS WITHOUT DOUBT, EMPHATICALLY, POSITIVELY, AND ABSOLUTELY!
(Read Psalms 72:18-19; 89;52; 106:48; 150:6) Now you know why I love Him so much!
         Our conclusion goes back to reading Psalm 41:1-13 over again and see what He does for us in the following Verses:
1-God CARES and DELIVERS;  2-He CARES and PRESERVES His own;
3-He STRENGTHENS us when we are sick;
4-He FORGIVES our sins;
5-He PROTECTS us from our enemies;
6-In spite of heaps of wrongs;
7-He SEES the wrongs done to us;
8-He COFOUNDS enemy plans;
9-Our best friend may betray us;
10-But God RAISES us up;   11-He is PLEASED with us;
    So here you have it, the proof of the GOD WHO IS EVERLASTING! AMEN AND AMEN!
         Next time...

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