"Once the Train stops, we're going to jump off and make a run for it. You ready?"
Suddenly Macy's thoughts rushed through all the possibilities of what could happen to her. She thought about the possibility of being spotted by the train robbers, of getting shot to ensure that she didn’t escape, of getting captured by men with long black beards, uni-brows and handkerchiefs over their mouth to disguise them. Those train robbers with long black coats, one gun at either side of them and a tanned western hat to seal the look. She was imagining the sort of train robbers you see on western shows on the television, after all she had never actually been in such a situation or met anyone else who had. This was all she had to go on, and she was thinking about how they never seemed to be stupid and miss anything. Then she though about how their attention to detail would probably mean that before they even ended up on the train, they would ensure to probably come into the train from all angles to ensure no one escapes with precious valuables.
Macy started to panic within her thoughts, rushing through everything that could happen her just because of some guy’s will to help her. Well, what if he got her killed, killed through a quick painless death or through prolonged suffering. Then her mind rushed to the next thing she thought of.
"But... We're in the middle of nowhere last I checked!" Macy stammered through the words as she panicked to make sense of the whole situation.
"Don't you trust me?"
Macy stopped and thought it through. Did she trust this stranger that she had met less than 4 hours ago? Did she know that she could put her life in his hands- because she knew that abandoning the train out here, getting spotted by the robbers or anything else dangerous meant that her life was now in his hands. After all, this was his idea!
James grabbed the latch on the door ready to open it.
"Do what you want." he said not looking at her at all.
Macy looked down the train to where they had came from, thought about the length of time it would take for her to change her mind and make it out if he was telling the truth. But, would she have time? Would she have the option?
The train braked.
"Well Macy D. Are you with me, or are you to go without me?"
James opened the door and looked at her, just staring at her. Macy felt adrenaline beginning to pump through her veins. Instantly she had launched her bags out the door and was jumping out the door to follow them. She turned, got up, dusted down her long pink dress, fixed her long curly blonde curls behind her head band, lifted her bags and started to run.
Many of the places that the train had passed through had been bogged down with marsh lands, water-filled fields and the dullness of a rainy day. But the sudden sunshine and the feel of the summer breeze rushing past Macy who was dressed in her 3/4 length dress, white socks and pumps made her feel like she was running wild and free.
She continued running as she ran through numerous fields, up a gentle sloping mountainside and hoping over fences. The ground was moist with the rain that had previously fallen and her dress had constantly been getting stuck on the wired fences, tugging threads out here and holes appeared there. Macy just didn’t care right now, the sudden feeling of happiness and joy had over-run her and she didn’t want to lose the feeling.
After running for what seemed like no time at all, she was climbing over a wooden fence when she spotted a mare standing watching her. She stopped halfway over the fence and decided to sit there. Still happy she sat there as the sun which had recentl appeared from behind some white fluffy clouds beamed down on her pale skin, warming her and making her feel warm inside.
Warm inside- the thought made her drop her bags.
"Macy, could you at least wait up?" she could hear the voice in her head, the voice of James. She turned round smiling, expecting to see him standing behind her out of breath and puffing for air. But to her amazement all she could see was him slowly walking as a dark silhouette in the sunshine two fields away. She felt weird- either she was imagining he had spoken to her, or she was delusional. Well, both scenarios would make her delusional. She then concluded that she was delusional.
She sat there and smiled to herself thinking that being delusional probably wasn’t such a bad thing. Then she began to laugh and couldn’t help but think to herself 'what are you so happy about?'.
I walked into the carriage. Continuing to run means that I end up encoutering the same old boring train ride with the same old boring business individuals on their way to the same old boring convention that they see as something exciting. Listening to their thoughts as they looked at me and thought similar kinds of tags on who I was. Good. Blending well.
Listening to all the thoughts as I went through the different carriages as the train started on it's journey from the station, I listened for silence within each. Silence meant that no one would be there. So, I closed my eyes and listened intently for the approval of the silence to guide me to a carriage I could rest in. I detest listening to people's thoughts on me, who I am and where I am heading. Although, to be a hypocrite I was doing just the same a minute ago.
I entered one of the last carriages on the train and was giving up hope of finding an empty one when I heard the running of the train over the tracks, the sounds of the wind rushing by as the train sped to it’s destination and so I opened my eyes, but I stopped at the glass door when I was shocked to see this girl sitting alone. She was dressed in a ¾ length pink dress, she wore white socks and had blonde curly hair. I listened to hear what she was thinking about as I watched the back of her skull as she looked intently out the window. Nothing. It didn’t make sense, I can hear everyone’s thoughts, it’s the power/ ability that I was born with. Why couldn’t I hear hers? It annoyed me for a brief moment as I stood there outside the glass door, but then I became intrigued. This is someone who I can discover all for myself, It would be like an average human being meeting a total stranger. That’s what I’ll be.
I slid open the glass door and was half expecting her thoughts to rush at me in a wave that would be overwhelming, but no. I didn’t know how to approach the situation, this was a new experience. I didn’t even know if she was thinking ill of me, or was just totally zoned out. However, I was happy I’d found someone quiet to spend my journey with. The silence within company would be nice for a change, and to find someone who emits silence was amazing. I thought about how she probably didn't want to be disturbed, but I wanted to meet this girl, get to know her and go on this new adventure which had been presented to me.
The silence was intriguing for a change.
I had lied to her, of all people I wanted to know more than anyone I had met before and I had still sat there and decided to lie to her. I had told her I was a lawyer headed to my family when I was actually doing the complete opposite- running from my family. They wanted me dead. Why? The Silence had came to re-claim me for their own after I left the protectors. I had fled, leaving them to deal with it themselves. This had resulted in a positive and negative outcome because although I had escaped the silence, the silence had taken my family, my friends whom I had grown up with and called family, to their side in return. Now, that wasn't enough because I was persuing my dream of being an average human being which pissed them off something serious. They weren't coming to take me onto their force anymore, they were coming to deliver pain and suffering upon my soul, to kill me and leave my soul wandering on earth, the 'in-between' where the soul never rests, feeling the pain of death for eternity. I had to find a way to tell Macy, because there was something special about Macy that made me so very interested in her. Never had I felt so protective and possesive over a human-being.
This time it was different.
Finding/ Seeking Silence- Meeting Macy
AdventureMoving away from a family into an unknown place can be tough. Meeting new people can be tougher. Macy hasn't got a clue where she's going or what will become of her future. Turning down a possible future husband might turn out to be a good thing or...