Chapter Two: We Meet!!

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Twisted Fates

Chapter 2:

We Meet By: The Witches 11

Me: Like I said, chapter 2 is finally out!

Sakura: This is great! Now Twisted Fates is in two websites!

Me: Thanks Sakura. Oh! I just remembered I get to torture Syaoran! Mwahahahahahahaha! He's DOOMED!

Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura. Clamp does. On with my story.

Sakura (pov)

Hello, my name is a Sakura Kinomotto. I am the princess of the Kingdom of the Kinomoto. I am exactly sixteen

years old and am also the mistress of the Sakura Cards. I captured them three years ago and now I have my two gaurdians

Yue and Kero. Anyway, I was walking to my car with my sister Tomoyo. We may be sisters but we look nothing alike. Tomoy has

amazing amethyst eyes and long raven black hair that adorned her pale and lovely face perfectly. I on the other hand had aubarn brown hair that

reached my shoulders and emerald green eyes. Tomoya was interested in music while I was more into gymnastics. She also had the odd habbit

of following me around with a camera and making clothes for me.

While I was Mistress of the Sakura Cards Tomoyo was a Seer. She was able to see events that would unfold. While I was driving to our school

Tomoyo had a dazed look on her face. It seemed as though she wasn't here anymore. "Tomoyo" I called.

Tomoyo's (POV)

I was in our classroom. As I looked among the students I noticed that Sakura-chan and I were sitting in our desks, mine behind Sakura. Our teacher,

Mizuki-sensie, was telling the class about two new students in the class. When the door opened two boys stepped in. The girls all swooned as soon as they

stepped in. I didn't get to see their faces thogh because the image dissapered. I opened my eyes to see my twin, Sakura string at me worriedly. "Did you

have another premonition Tomoyo?" she asked. Her lovely emerald eyes looked scared. I nodded. Then I said "Don't worry Sakura-chan. It was just a simple

vision, no worries." Though I did feel a bit worried. ' Who were those two boy' I wondered. I had a feeling I find out soon. (A/N: I guess you know who

the boys are.)

Normal (POV)

Sakura and Tomoyo walked through the halls of Prince and Princess Academy. They were trying to gte to class before their teacher, Miss Mizuki, got there.

When they got to their class they noticed she wasn't there yet and sighed in relief. When they saw Miss Mizuki come in they quickly headed to their seets.

Tomoyo sat in the middle of the room with Sakura in front of her. When Miss Mizuki got inside the class became quiet. Miss Mizuli then anounced that two

new students would be joining today. (Sound familiar?) Tomoyo whispered to Sakura " This is what my premonition was this morning." Sakura looked at

her twin. ' Why would she have a premonition about two new students?' Sakura wondered. Just then the door opened. Two boys about Sakura's age stepped

inside. The first one was about a head taller than Sakura. He had dark hair that looked a lottle like a blue and black combo. He had a kind face and sophisticated

features. He also had captivating saphire blue eyes. The second one was very different. He had handsome features but the aura around him was arogent. His

messy chocolate locks coveered his intense amber eyes. They looked as if they could look right through your soul. Miss Mizuki then had the two boys introduce

themselves. The amber eyed boy went first. " I am Prince Syaoran Li of the Kingdom of the Li." Then the other boy said " I am Prnce Eriol Hiiragisawa, Syaoran's

cousin." After the introduction Miss Mizuki then decided the seets for our two princes. "Okay Li I would like you to sit next to Princess Sakura. Sakura please raise

your hand." Sakura slowly raised her hand. Syoaran turned his head arouned and looked into her emerald eyes. For a moment they just stered at each other. Then

Syoaran walked to his desk next to Sakura. The girls glared at Sakura while the boys shot death glares at Syaoran. Sakura looked down quickly. Then she sneaked a quick

glance at Syaoran. 'This is wierd. Why do I have the feeling that I've met him before.' She didn't even notice Syaoran looking at her or that Eriol was now sitting next to


Syoaran's (POV)

I looked at the girl sitting next to me. She didn't notice so I took my time looking at her. She was about a head shorter than me. She had long auburn colored hair that

reached down to her shoulders and had a petite figure. To say she was pretty was an understatement. From what I could tell from her aura was that she possesed strong magical powers.

What really had me captivated were her eyes. I had never seen emerald eyes like hers. They looked warm and caring. But I knew how lookes could be deceaving. She was probably just

like all the other women I had met. I wouldn't be fooled by her pretty face. Yet... there was something there that srtuck a cord. There was somethin familiar about this girl. As if

I had met her before...

To be continued...

Me: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Syaoran: I thought you said you were going to torture me.

Me: I am, in your pov it sounded like you like Sakura. Plus I am going to make your torture slow and steady. That way you sufer more.

Syaoran: You are just EVIL!

Me: I know. That's why your sufering is so funny to me.

Syaoran: You are insane! I will NEVER be interested in Kinomoto!

Me: Yeah, yeah keep telling yourself that. Anyway, next chapter Syaoran, Sakura, Eriol and Tomoyo are in for a suprise.

I can tell you right now that all hell will break loose in Chapter 3: Suprise!

Syaoran: Just what are you up to Atosha?

Me: *grins evily* You'll have to find out. !

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