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Twisted Fates

Chapter 3:

Surprise! By: Atosha 10


Me : I'm baaaaack! Now I get to drop the bomb on everyone! *grins evily*

Syaoran: What are you up to Atosha?

Eriol: Why are you asking Syaoran. She just wants you to sufer and you're making it way too easy.

Tomoyo: He's right Li-kun.

Sakura: I agree.

Me: Did you guys not see what I wrote last time?

All but Syaoran: * shake their heads*

Me: I specifically said that what I wrote is going to break hell loose on all of your lives. MWUAHAHAH!

All except me: *sweatdrop*

Anyway I still don't own Cardcaptor Sakura. But if I add any new people I own them.


Normal (POV)

The day went by pretty normal for Sakura except that she couldn't shake the feeling that she had met

Syaoran before. Funny enough, said Chinese prince was thinking the same about said Japanese princess.

Soon the bell rang and our two heros and heroines went to their cars. Of course none knew they were all

wondering the same thing, ' Who are those two princes/princesses?'


To the Boys

" Hey Syao, didn't those two princesses look familiar?" Eriol asked while looking at the amber eyed boy

sitting next to him. Syaoran, on the other hand, was busy thinking about a certain emerald eyed girl. ' Those

eyes, they looked as if they could see the darkest corners of your mind... beautiful..' He shook his head. Where

had that thought come from? He shouldn't even be thinking about her Then he relized that his cousin was staring at him with a curious expresion. 'He must be thinking of that Sakura girl'


Meanwhile With the Girls

Tomoyo and Sakura had been driving to their palace when Tomoyo suddenly talked. " Ne Sakura, didn't those two princes seem familiar?" When she didn't recieve an answer Tomoyo turned to see her twin looking out the window. She had a dazed look on her face. Tomoyo smiled. Meanwhile Sakura was busy thinking about a certain amber eyed prince. 'His eyes are so nice and yet so cold. Almost as if they were judging you.'


Back with the Boys

As soon as Syaoran and Eriol arrived at the Kingdom of the Li a gaurd went up to them. " Yor highness, Prince Eriol . King Xioa and Queen Yelan ordered me to take you to the throne room as soon as got here." he said nervously. To be honest he was terrified of Syaoran considering how dangerous his glares were. But Syaoran only nodded. The gaurd sighed in relief and started leading the way.



As soon as Sakura and Tomoyo arrived at the Kindom of the Kinomotto a gaurd went up to them. (A/N: they were told the exact same thing.)



Syaoran and Eriol were standing in front of King Xioa and Queen Yelan. "Boys we...have something...important to tell you" Yelan said.



" What is it okka-san?" Sakura asked her mother. (A/N; I'm going back and forth between the boys and the girls.)



" The thing is... that you're... you're..." Yelan trailed off.



" Yes?" Tomoyo asked


" You're engaged." they finished.


At first it was quiet, but then four furios voices exclaimed in unison

" NANI!"


Me: And thats a rap! I'm SO SORRY that I haven't updated. I had my laptop taken away but now I'm back! Now I can torture Syaoran!

Everyone: * Look shocked*

Me: Guys?

Syaoran: How dare you get me engaged?

Me: It's fun seeing you mad. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.




Defenitions for-

Nani - The meaning for Nani in Japaneese is ''What?'' as said in the story. They meant to say ''WHAT?''



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