Chapter Five

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I slowly head down the long staircase ensuring myself that I wouldn't trip. All eyes were on me. It seemed like no one like me but I knew it wasn't me as a person it was what I was. I tried to smile and my parents weren't helping.
"Remember it doesn't matter who you are they'll hate you until you do something worthy of their liking," my dad whispered while he was on my right.
"It'll take longer since you're a hybrid. They've never met someone like you," my mom whispered on my left. Everyone stared at me with death glares but it really hurt when I met my brother's gaze and he shared the same face. My little brother. Caleb was only a little younger but still I was much stronger than him. Mean come on half wolf and half vampire and on top of that the royalty strength. I was a literal badass and I don't care what people say or think right? Soon though I heard all the comments among the crowd. Curse super hearing. The insults they made. The snickering sound of their laughs soon I couldn't take in. I ran forwards the door but before I made it I heard my dad's voice.
"Don't run. It shows weakness and no queen is weak even if she's still a princess," he shouted trying not to loose his cool. I slowly turned tears threatening to escape my eyes.
"I don't belong anywhere can't you see. Vampires don't like the wolf part and wolves don't like the vampire and heck humans are weak. I can't do this," I said looking down at myself I summoned a power and soon light filled around me and when it was gone I no longer had my hair all fancy and the crown was gone. I only had on jeans,a tank top, and running shoes.
"What else can I say I'll never belong therefore I'll save you all a dissapointment. I am officially a rogue!" I shouted running away from the kingdom and soon I was running across the bridge and the anger built up I felt eyes turn red with anger then a feeling of rage before they turned ice blue and I turned to my wolf running. Running away from all my problems. I will stay this way until I find where I am really wanted. Soon my rage blinded me as I hite a steep rocky slope and turned to my human form and from my speed I couldn't stop. I took a rough fall down the side until I hit many rocks and Hite the ground. My clothes were torn and my skin was bloody. I felt my head pounding as I place my hand over the sensitive area. Soon a knew what it was. Blood. I was confused and raged.
"WHY CAN I BLEED IF I DONT EVEN HAVE A HEARTBEAT!" I screamed at the night sky before slipping unconscious. I woke up in pain the next morning. Still battered from my fall I got up and stumbled through the  woods but soon I heard sounds. Wolves. I had made my way into another packs territory and I was gonna pay. Shit. I soon saw many wolves circling but was surprised when I felt a weird pull torward one wolf in particular. He was a large black wolf that stood about 8 ft tall. He had to be the alpha. I could tell they were using mind link. I knew not to let my guard down but I felt my knees start to give out I stumbled to a tree for support. They all stood down. They shifted some having perfectly fine clothing while others had torn clothing and some nothing at all. It appears to depend on the material. The large black wolf which was now an intimidating alpha male. He was a little tan and maybe 5'11 or so with short black hair and light blue eyes.
"Appears you need help," he said with a lot of concern.
"I can take care of myself mean I've done it thus far," I spat. I knew if I mentioned that I'd only been like this for two days they'd laugh so I wanted them to think that I was much more than meets the eye. I heard the rest of the wolves whisper about my comment as if I was to give in. His face grew into a smile.
"Please let me help you. We have a doctor at the pack house," I could tell he doesn't day please often.
"What's it gonna be, mate?" He questioned. Shit is that why I feel a pull to him. Mean he won't hurt me then will he because I won't make it this way.
"Fine." I muttered before gesturing for him to lead the way. Instead he took a step closer and picked me up bridal style. I was to tired to fight besides I felt safe for the first time in awhile I felt whole and soon fell asleep on the walk there.

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