
27 2 0

Unknown POV
I woke up in a dim cell. The walls were a cold grey brick and the the floor was a dirty smooth concrete. I looked around.
"Where am I?" I thought. I stood up and noticed I had no shoes. I was wearing jeans and a black tank top. I tried to run but soon fell back onto the ground because of an unknown force. I investigated to find the force. I soon found that my feet were chained to the wall and my hands were balled up in fist inside of some sort of metal contraction and was also chained to the wall. I pulled at them but the only thing they did was make noise. The air was cold and my mind just came to a realization. Before I could say anything a sliding metal door opened and in walked in a man I hoped to never see.
"Jace," I whispered.
"Oh how lovely to see you alive, little princess," he stated before laughing.
"Did the little hybrid really think that she could kill us both that easily?" Jace questioned.
"So I see we're both still here. I'm not just a hybrid,  I'm the hybrid royal," I pointed out.

So she's not dead!!! Woohoo. I'm still not sure what to call the next book but I won't start it for a couple months so feel free to send ideas my way! And thanks for reading! Thank you Wattpad for this amazing app!

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