Chapter Nineteen

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Where the hell are you!!!
I couldn't catch Caleb's scent nor could anyone else. I was loosing my mind because I couldn't find my brother. I felt my hope slipping away and I wanted to break down and cry. I knew I couldn't because I'm going to be the queen someday so I have to keep going. I even ran to the beach where I saw him last. I picked up his old scent trail. I followed it and ran at speeds that I once thought were physically impossible. Suddenly his scent dissapeared. I growled a low growl once I realized that their abductors had masked their scents.
No one will be able to smell them. Whoever took them masked their scents so we can't them. I'll keep looking but everyone else can go home you are no longer need.
I got few replies but I did get a very worried one from my dad.
You should come home. I won't be able to take it if they get you to.
I sighed and replied.
I'll be find and I'll come home after a perimeter run.
I could feel his disapproval but I really had only one worry right now. I was finishing my perimeter run and I was even more angry. I started to trot home when I heard a sob. I quickly trotted towards and and found Caroline. Her dirt blonde hair had leaves and grass stuck in it and her tan skin had dirt on it. Her hazel eyes were puffy. I quickly stuck my snout towards. She started screaming and that's when I remembered that she hasn't seen me before. I quickly shifted back.
"Hey,hey,hey it's ok. Shh it's just me," I explained while pulling her into a hug.
"The-they took h-him," she stuttered.
"Who? Where'd they go?" I asked her while pulling away to look at her.
"I think they're call the bloody rebels. They've always hated the king and prince. I don't think they know about you. He was knocked out and drug over the border. The could be anywhere!" She started at a whisper and ended screaming. I knew she was way to unstable to walk so I pulled her up in my arms before using vampire speed to get her to my Dad. I quickly rushed in and placed her on the couch. My dad was down the stairs.
"Caroline!" He shouted surprised.
"They still have Caleb. I know you're against it but I have to go him. The bloody rebels are out for blood and a war. I will single handily end them all to get Caleb back. He's not on our territory anymore," I sneered before heading for the door.
"Wait! What if this is what thy want? I can't loose you to. I'd hate to say it but they'll probably kill him the second you appear," he explained. I stopped in my tracks.
"I'll trade places if I have to," I replied looking him in the eyes. I saw the sadness and defeat. Caroline started to calm down a little.
"How'd you get away?" My Dad asked Caroline.
"Caleb promised them that he wouldn't escape if they let me go," she cried while she started to hiccup.
"Please honey, he can't leave and they know that someone will come strait for him. It will be better to wait mean don't get me wrong I want him back but it's better to wait," Dad was trying to convince me. I let out a huff.
"What if he's being tortured? Or maybe he's being experimented on or hell he could be starved. I'm not waiting. He has already marked Caroline. Her heat is due anytime and she shouldn't go through it alone so I'm going to get my brother home before I have to start killing my people for trying to touch her," I barked and my dad looked submissive. For once the big bad alpha looked like a weak father who had lost a child. He gave me a look like I was the alpha. I felt pride.
" look I'll go out and look. If I don't find him in two days then I'll come strait home. I love you Dad and I love Caleb. I gotta go," I said one last time. He sighed one last time and looked at Caroline.
"Fine. Two days. I'll tell your mother and Tyler because she's gonna be upset that you just up and left. Not to mention Tyler's going to be pissed that he can't protect you. So please go before I change my mind," I demanded. I nodded my head and took off towards the back door. I was running and soon hit the woods. I quickly jumped and shifted. I felt all four paws hit the ground. I had a place to be right now. I watched as the night sky started to fade into day. The little bit of light that I saw brought out the big trees that I was running through. I jumped over roots and dodged countless trees. I was soon running on the stone bridge that connected the large kingdom to the human world. My paws soon hit American sand and I got to sniffing. I knew I couldn't been seen by people and I tried my best to dodge them. I was using a lot of focus trying to find Caleb's scent. I knew it was probably still masked but I couldn't help it. No one knew where the bloody rebels stayed and many thought they didn't exist. It was getting annoying really quickly. I was trying to mind link Caleb but suddenly a large flash happened in my mind which caused me to stumble. I went back into human form.
"Shit that hurt! At least I know he's guarded by a barrier of some sort!" I exclaimed as I winced at the pain. Although my head hurt I continued on my mission. My head was throbbing really bad right now.

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