Chapter Twelve

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Tyler quickly fell asleep and I was staring at the ceiling.
"Psst, Tyler?" I whispered to make sure he was asleep. I slipped out of bed and walked out to the balcony. Something was wrong it was to silent. The village was asleep but even the surrounding woods were silent. I didn't know if I was paranoid or if there was something wrong. I decide to go do a perimeter run. I quietly made my way out of my room. I guess that's a good thing about being part vampire. I could sneak around without effort. Right when I was almost to the back door of our kitchen I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to see Caleb sitting at the table sipping coffee.
"You notice it to don't you?" He asked. I wasn't sure if I should lie. I don't want him going and possibly getting hurt.
"Uh, yeah. I'm gonna go check it out," I muttered heading for the door.
"I'm going with you," he stated. I swiftly turned around.
"No you're not," I snapped.
"Why not?" He questioned.
"If something is wrong I'll let y'all know. I can't risk you getting hurt," I explained to him.
"I know you're part vampire but that doesn't make you invincible. Yes you're faster and strong and much larger but you're not trained like many rogues and such," he challenged.
"If something happened to me I'd heal quickly. I wouldn't be able to live if someone in my family died on my watch. Look I may not really know you and you may not really like me but you're family and I will protect my family. I'll call if there is danger. I promise I'll be back," I stated. He had realized he lost. He sighed and SAT back in his chair. He gave a nod showing he was standing down. I smiled and bolted out the back door and shifted. I ran through the woods sniffing the air. I smelt many rogues. To many for being passing by. Besides why would rogues be on a huge piece of land with only one escape? Then I though maybe they were going to attack at night when it was least expecting it.
Caleb,get the guards on alert and have 24 hour watch everywhere. I'll explain later.
He didn't reply but I felt his reply. I slowly went back hearing the rogues. They were starting to acknowledge my presence so I ran home quickly. I'm still getting use to shifting back to human while running and this time I almost got it until I accidently kicked the doorframe. From my speed it made me pretty much fly then roll into the kitchen before hitting the wall.
"I'm glad I'm not human because that would've hurt a lot more," I chirped hopping up. I didn't even realize Caleb was sitting at the table holding back a laugh. Since I was technically an alpha he held his laughter but I didn't like it.
"Just laugh. Right now I'm your sister not your princess," I said and with that he just out laughing and I couldn't help but laugh to as the memory of my accident replayed in my head. After we settled I got down to business.
"Ok, so I picked up a lot of rogue scents in the forest. I believe they're planning an attack. I think they'll do it at night when everyone guard is down," I said.
"That's a lot of think," Caleb replied.
"Yes, and that my brother where you come in. Assemble a team this case is yours now," I demanded and he nodded and left. I tried to sneak back in but my hinges squeaked. Damn. Looks like I need to get someone to deal with that. Tyler stirred and sat up. He turned and saw me standing there acting like nothing was wrong.
"What's up?" He said groggily.
"Look I gotta tell you something but you gotta promise you will do as I say," I said. I knew it was wrong to tell him not to fight but I couldn't risk him getting hurt.
"I took a run around the perimeter. There are a bunch of rogues and if a war breaks out you have to promise me you won't get in it and if I tell you to take your pack and run, you'll do it," I demanded. He looked confused.
"I wouldn't be able to leave you but I am willing to stay here and not fight," he replied. I smiled. I was happy he wouldn't leave but that would just make me fight harder to keep him safe.
"Good enough," I smile "go back to bed sleepy head." He looked around.
"I'm not tired now," he smirked leaning it. I see how this is going to be. I smiled before excepting his move.

The sun came up and i was still on high alert. I knew Caleb told dad when I heard my name being called from the office. He sounded pissed. Maybe I shouldn't have told Caleb what to do but hey he needs responsibility after all he his 15. I held my head high and strolled in. He turned in his chair with a serious face. I held his gaze until he broke into a smile and got up. He walked over to me as he started laughing. I gotta say I was scared for his sanity for a minute.
"I'm glad to see you taking responsibility but try and tell me first neck time.ok?" He said. I nodded and walked out. As I walked back to my room I got to thinking about my situation. I had grown close to everyone around me but deep down I still had the urge to run. To go to a easy life and forget about being a queen. I walked up to a painting of my dad when he first took over. I couldn't help but let the question arise.
Do I really want to be a queen?

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