Chapter Thirty

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I left Tyler to clear his mind. I couldn't sleep so I spent the rest of my night thinking and wondering. I had just made my way down the staircase that connected my castle to the village when a group of screams caught my attention. My eyes fell upon my new fear. Jace was there hovering off the ground with a black mist swirling around him. I shuttered at the sight of him and my blood ran cold. His lips curved back into a wicked smile when he saw me. All I could do was straighten up and start walking towards him. Before I knew it I was standing about ten feet away from him. He let his mist drop him on his feet. His pale blue eyes flickered in amusement and his brown hair looked as if he didn't own a comb. His skin was ghostly pale. His leather jacket hugged him tightly and his black jeans disappeared into his black boots.
"Wow that was impressive. No one has ever willingly gotten this close although your father did once. I bet he told you that story though," he started. I could smell the bloody rebels but couldn't take my eyes off of Jace to look.
"In fact I have heard but what gets me is unanswered questions like how are you alive?" I interrogated.
"The bloody rebels brought me back. They said that we could help each other out and boy did we. Here I am to take over the kingdom," he stated with a sly smirk. I wanted to puke but that wouldn't be good. My family soon showed up including my mother and sister.
"Stay back," I warned them and Jace looked amused by me gesture.
"Well,well,well what do we have here? Maria has some weight on her now she's no longer a skeleton in my basement. How nice. And oh David you look horrible! All that worrying isn't good for," Jace states in an amused voice and it actually sounded like he cared but we knew better. Jace shifted his gaze to my mother and sister.
"Always knew that the vampires were no good for you. It appears the tale was right about you actually breeding with her. Maybe I could marry the vampire queen and take over that kingdom as well. Now that is a thought I've never had," Jace suggested.
"Over my dead body!" I spat. I didn't realize I had said it until Jace's gaze snapped back towards me. He started to laugh. I heard a small commotion and saw guards holding back a very angry Tyler. I mouth "it's ok" before going back to staring down Jace. He smiled before he suddenly shifted into a deep grey wolf that was almost black. His eyes were red and his stance was intimidating. He charged at me and I shifted. I leapt on him before he could do anything. The bloody rebels ran out and everyone that could shift was suddenly on all fours attacking them. Jace and I wrestled until we suddenly separated and shifted back. I let out a growl when he raised a hand. What seemed to be a lightning bolt shot out of his hand and I quickly dodged it. I shot some light back at him but it was only a slap on the wrist to him. He laughed.
"Looks like someone doesn't know how to use magic," he stated in a laughing manner which earned him another growl from me. In anger I raised my hands and shot what I think is a laser at him. His face dropped into a pain expression when it hit his arm. He gripped his arm and let out a hiss.
"Not to bad for a beginner," he snapped. Before I could blink an electric charge took over my body and I was flung back into a tree. I pushed my body up against the tree while my body screamed to drop. I could see everyone watching. My family and mate was detained for their safety. I shot whatever would come out at Jace. It would change from light to laser to electric charge to other things that I wasn't sure about. He flew back and hit the ground with a thud. He rolled a small distance before he finally got up and gained his footing. He smiled wickedly at me.
"Is that all you got? Wow you really did make this easy," he remarked before shooting some kind of black smoke at me. I kept ducking,dodging, and jumping over everything he threw my way. I was getting worn out but Jace appeared to still have a full tank of gas. My hope was starting to diminish along with my energy. My family would love but I wouldn't. I wouldn't become queen but I'd be able to look over my siblings as they took over the thrown. I would lead Tyler to a nice second chance mate with a normal life that wasn't so challenging. Most of all though I would make sure that Jace never made his way back on this planet even if that meant me dying and tying him to me in the after life. I let out a growl when he almost hit my face with an electricity ball. It was purple and was full of little wildly shaped lines that would appear and disappear right before your eyes. Instead of getting hit I ducked and the tree behind me caught the ball. It left a huge black burn on the tree and the smell was awful. I looked towards all the people that I loved.
"I love you all and I'll always be with you," I whispered but due to their heightened senses they could get me. They started to cry and even Tyler fell to his knees in tears. It tore me up inside to him that way. I started to push myself towards Jace. I dodged everything he threw my way. Finally, I got to him and grabbed both of his hands so I was directly in front of him.
"Such a romantic position darling," he spoke.
"You wish," I replied before pushing all my power into his hands. He fought back by doing the same thing and then everything went black.

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