Chapter Two: High School Mistakes Part Two

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The next day... March 21, 2006

School hasn't been as chaotic today, and that's a good thing. It's currently 11:30 and I have lunch right now. I just got out of my honors English class, which is once again, all the way across the school from the lunch room.

I decided to stop by my locker to get my books for my next class, so I can just go straight over there after I eat, and get a good seat. After I got my books, I headed over to the lunch room.

I really don't actually eat a full meal, I usually just get a snack. So today I decided to get a banana, and yogurt along with a water. I then went to go find my seat. I usually sit with my friend Brennan, but he isn't here today, so looks like I'm sitting alone.

Just as I'm about to eat, someone comes and sits next to me, and places their food down. I look up and see that's it's Blake, oh just great. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Hey" he says and smiles.

"Uh.. Hi.." I say back.

"So whatcha eating?"

"Do you really want to know?" I say back.

Of course I was trying to be rude, so he would leave. Why was he even sitting next to me anyways?

"Well I wouldn't of asked if I didn't want to know." Blake said.

"Well I'll tell you only if I get to ask you a question in return? Deal?" I say.

"Deal" he says back.

"I'm eating a banana, with yogurt and a water. The obvious. Now, why are you sitting next to me?"

"Because.. I can. Don't you like me sitting with you? Everyone else does.." Blake says.

"Well I'm not everyone else, and I think your little fan girls are calling you."

"They can wait. But why are acting like this is so weird and bizarre?" Said Blake.

"Because this isn't normal, it's the complete opposite. You're Blake Griffin, I'm Athena Brooks, what does a jock get out of talking to a nerdy honors student? Do you need help with your homework? Is that why you have been trying to talk to me?" I say.

"Athena Brooks, that's your name. I finally got it."

He smiled.

"I'm serious, why are you here?"

"Wait wait wait, you're not nerdy? Why would you say that?" He said.

He completely ignored my question.

"I am, I take honor classes and I've been a straight A student since grade school, how is that not nerdy?"

"Okay that is nerdy, but you don't look like it, not one bit." He said laughing.

"I better go, I have to get to my next class, nice .. Chatting." I rolled my eyes and got up.

He got up and stopped me, not this shit again.

"Wait, can I ask you something?" He said.

"What?" I say obnoxiously.

"You were right.. I do need help with my homework, will you help me?"

It took me a minute to think about it.

"Sure, this Saturday at 7. The school library. Don't be late." I say back.

"Wait, I have a party at 7, I can't mak-"

I cut him off.

"Either you make it of I don't tutor you, period." I say.

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