Chapter 3

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''Deku-kuuun! Don't forget you promised to practice with me tomorrow. I am desperately in need of a partner''. Midoriya closed his school locker and looked at his best friend Ochaco Uraraka who had followed him there from their ballet lesson.  

''Don't worry. I could never forget. But I am kinda in a hurry today. There's this performance I really wanna see today!'' Midoriya couldn't stop smiling and were practically dancing on the spot already. Uraraka bursted out in laughter over Midoriya's obvious happiness. 

''So I can see. Who is performing? Anyone I know?'' Uraraka walks next to Midoriya as they go down the school hallway with their bag packs hanging from their shoulders. 

''I don't think so. They call themselves the BakuCrew'' 

''Eeeeh? You're going to see a crew perform? That's unusual but also so you. You have pretty much signed up for all the different dance classes this school has to offer. So it doesn't surprise me that you're also into street dance'' Uraraka lets out a small giggle and looks at Midoriya who is trying to hide his red, blushy face by looking down. 

''Well I do wanna be the best dancer there is.. I want to... I want to be able to convert my feelings and show the world what kind of person I am and that dancing is so much more than just a hobby. My mom wasn't all that supportive about me going here to begin with. Mostly because she thinks there isn't a future as a dancer but also because i've never really danced until I applied for UA. Not professionally anyway'' Midoriya had a vague smile on his face while recalling his mom's surprised face when his acceptance letter for UA got in the mail and then the long nights they spend together, when he was a kid. Dancing along to the music in the radio.

''What?! But you're a terrific dancer! There's no way that you've only been dancing for a year. Not with that kind of talent'' 

''Ah, that is a high praise coming from you Ochaco. But I can't take all that credit. You are a way better dancer than I am. Most of the students here are. But it's not like i've never danced before applying to UA. I've danced in the shower and such. But i've never taken classes or learned step sequences professionally. Therefor I wanna catch up by learning everything I can as quick as I can!'' Midoriya raised his fist and yells his favourite catchphrase ''Plus Ultra'' as loud as he could. It was his way of building up the confidence in his words and most of the time it worked. Uraraka took her arm around Midoriya's shoulder and together they went to their next class. 

Midoriya had been walking back and forth in front of that ramen restaurant Katsuki had mentioned the day before. It should be here the BakuCrew were supposed to do their next performance. But they hadn't showed up yet. It was past 5pm. Midoriya had gotten out of school for half an hour ago and had rushed here as fast as he could. But he just now realised that Kacchan had never given him an exact time on when they would perform today. Maybe they had already been here? If they had already been here, then what was the point in waiting? No. He wanted to stay a little longer just to be sure. He just had to move a little to stay warm. It was still cold in January. Midoriya found his ipod in his backpack and scrolled down and found the song for his school choreography. He started out by visualising Todoroki's steps and remembering what he said at practice earlier today. But again as the song progressed he started to add on steps that weren't originally in the piece. He weren't quite in his bubble cause he still had to think about what he learned about centering his bodyweight and that needed some focus. He didn't just do as he pleased this time. 

Before the song could end, two guys were walking towards him and waved. Midoriya had never seen them before, but they seemed like they wanted to talk. He took his ear pods out and put them in the front pocket of his favourite hoodie. The two guys that approached him were grinning and pushing each other playfully at the shoulders. They both had long and thick hair. One blond another red haired. As they got closer they looked more and more intimidating to Midoriya. And If it wasn't for their kind smiles that they sent Midoriya then he would have been running, scared away by now. 

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