Chapter 7

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It was finally lunch break. Which meant Midoriya had 45 minutes to replenish himself, get dressed and start rehearsing his new choreography. Him and Todoroki would soon have a full choreography to work with. They just needed a step sequence for the ending. They had really been working hard this past week. Midoriya barely had any time to see Kacchan or his crew. He did get to see them perform and talk to them for a short while after their performance the other day. But for some reason it was a little awkward between him and Kacchan. Midoriya's face turned red, when he remembered back to the day where Katsuki just had gone in to the studio and danced with him. They were... So close.. 

''Ahh Deku-kuuuun! Over here!'' Midoriya heard Uraraka's voice across the dining hall. She sat next to Iida and waved like a crazy person. Midoriya took his lunch tray and headed their way.  

''We were just talking about our choreographies and how Todoroki helps us out as well. But he is certainly more over your case. But then again we sorta already had an idea on how we wanted our choreographies, where you had to start from scratch. But Uraraka tells me you've come a long way already!'' Iida leaned in to look past Uraraka and at Midoriya instead. But Iida got no reaction from Midoriya so he leaned back again and looked at Uraraka instead. 

''You know. Midoriya. You really shouldn't be playing with your food'' He said after they had been sitting in silence for a while.

''Deku-kun? Are you still thinking about what he said the other day?'' Uraraka asked carefully alluded to the day they watched BakuCrew's perfomance together the other day. Midoriya had brought Ochaco along with him because she had insisted to come and watch. 

Midoriya didn't really respond to Ochaco either. He just thought back to his conversation with Katsuki that day. Ochaco had hinted that Midoriya wanted to join the BakuCrew. And as expected Katsuki didn't take that comment all too well. Midoriya still remembers Katsuki's agressive words:''It's none of your god damn business. You won't join my crew! And don't ever ask about it again!''

''It's just so unfair'' Midoriya finally sighed. Iida and Uraraka looked at each other for a moment and then looked at Midoriya. 

''Well.. He is a street dancer, so it's safer for you to just to stay out of it''. Iida went to Midoriya's class along with Uraraka and he was also their class president. He was a star student and an excellent dancer as well. Although he didn't associate that much with hip hop or break, he definitely had the skill to dance almost anything. The more mechanic moves was his forte - Although he would never admit it. Because like Todoroki his family, Iida's was somewhat strict about him and his image as well.  

''He does seem to be very introverted about his life. Maybe it's just a matter of time before he accept's you. And - It also seems like he has a thing for you'' Ignoring Uraraka's last statement Midoriya just sighed yet again and answered: ''I honestly don't know what to do''. 

Again there was a heavy silence between the three friends. 

''LET'S FORM A CREW OF OUR OWN! THAT WAY YOU CAN SHOW KACCHAN JUST HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT'' Uraraka did Midoriya's signature chant. Fist in the air yelling ''plus ultra'' as loud as she could. Student's in the cafeteria looked over to their table right after Uraraka's sudden outburst. 

''Ehh? A crew of our own?'' 

''What!?!? Uraraka-san stop talking such nonsense!'' Iida who looked almost panicked was probably more worried about how many student's had overheard what Ochaco had just said. Iida was a diligent student  and forming a crew was a big taboo. So in his eyes it was practically illegal and pointless since you couldn't enter real scrimmages or dance offs with your crew. Not when you were a UA student too anyway.  

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