Chapter 9

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Three days has passed, Midoriya have been practicing with his new crew all three days right after his rehearsals with Todoroki. And to be honest he was starting to feel the toll it was taking on him. He is more exhausted than he has ever been but it was a good kind of exhaustion. Because he was doing what he loves and believes in it. Dancing. It was starting to get dark outside and Midoriya's crew were walking down the streets together talking about their latest practice. 

''We should try and do that second part of the song as a unison instead of doing it as a canon. That would look so cool!'' Uraraka commented. They were coming up with ideas for their first choreography they were assembling as a crew. After three days they were almost already done with it. But they were 5 people that came up with new ideas and opinions after all, so the process of coming up with a new choreography was definitely faster than, when it's only Midoriya and Todoroki.

''Yeah. But we should also consider adding some different levels as well if we do decide to do it as a unison. Just to give a more appeal look for the audience'' Iida was less worried about forming a crew now than he was before. Mostly because they never practiced outside of the school's premises or even talking about doing any dance offs. For Iida they were just a group of friends who danced together after school with no real purpose and called themselves a crew. Everybody aagreed to both Iida and Uraraka's idea. 

''Alright. Let's try it out tomorrow after Midoriya's rehearsal. I have some ideas too that I think we can pull off. And who knows, maybe we might have our first choreography down after tomorrow'' Todoroki too was like a different person when he was hanging out with the new crew. He had become more sociable and outgoing and he looked like he genuinely had fun when dancing with them. After a short walk together they all parted their ways so they could get home. Midoriya on the other hand had a few errands to do before he could get home. He was supposed to pick up some groceries for dinner today. As he waved goodbye to his friends he was moving his feet to a beat that he was humming in his head, trying to visualise the different steps in his own exam choreography. 

''See you guys tomorrow! I'll be there in time this time. I promise!'' He stopped his little dance steps when he turned around the corner and bumped hard into someone. He looked up to see who he had walked in to. When he saw it was Katsuki - again again - he suddenly got all nervous and had trouble breathing. Not because it was cold outside or the fact that he was always flustered when he's around Katsuki. But Midoriya legitimately had a hard time to breathe. Just right after he turned around the corner and walked into Katsuki. Midoriya grabbed the straps on his backpack and avoided eye contact with Katsuki until he could steadily breathe again. Hoping he wouldn't notice his troubles.

''Ahh Kacchan. Sorry. I didn't see you there... I... I was'' He could barely talk but it wasn't all because of his troubles with breathing. He was just speechless as usual when he's alone with Katsuki. 

''You were wasting your time playing around with that new crew of yours, weren't you?'' Katsuki had this hostile attitude towards Midoriya which made the air between them feel thinner. Katsuki even had his hands in his front pockets, staring down at Midoriya as if he was the more dominant alpha between the two of them. 

''You know about that?'' Midoriya asked surprised and forgot about his breathing. He was looking up to Katsuki. 

''So you really went and formed a crew of clowns, huh?'' Katsuki was somewhat annoyed but also curious. As he looked down at Midoriya and at his blushing face he couldn't help but to wish that he was the one who could rehears all those hours with Midoriya instead of that two faced Todoroki. He knew that Todoroki only joined in on the crew so he could be closer to Midoriya. Which is a lame excuse if you asked Katsuki. At least he wasn't trying to come up with lame excuses to hang out with Midoriya. He usually just bumped in to him when he didn't even asked for his attention. 

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