Chapter 15

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Hi guys. It's that time of year where i resurface to give you some more sweet sweet content. Enjoy! Your comments are the reason I am continuing. Thank you so so much for the support ❤️ And please don't hate me for what you are about to read. The story is coming to an end soon.

"Kacchan?" Inko looked confused at the nurse who shrug her shoulders.

"I'll get the doctor" The nurse says and left the room. Deku was still looking expectant at his mom, waiting for an answer. 

"Mom?" Deku almost pleads. Inko looks back at her son with a look full of worry. 

"Sweetie. Do you know what happened?" His mom asks, ignoring his previous question. 

"I... No..." Deku then answers and looks down at his hands. He was clenching his fists in the sheets. Why was he so focused on Kacchan, when really he should be worried about his health and prioritize himself first... 

"Sweetie. You were hit by a car..." His mom finally says after a short silence between them. He felt his moms hand touching and caressing his shoulder. Probably trying to comfort him for the possible shock he might feel. But honestly. The touch felt so far away. Something wasn't right. He couldn't have been hit by a car. 

Images from a dark alley appeared in his head.

"No..." Deku mumbles. His mother's touch was suddenly boiling so he yanked his shoulder free. Realizing what he just did, he looked up to his mom suddenly feeling guilty. 

"I'm sorry mom.. But, I can't have been hit by a car.. I remember a fight..." Deku mumbles, trying to put the pieces together.

"You were in a fight?" His mom requires to know, sounding suddenly more alert. 

"Izuku. Sweetie. Are you being bullied at school?" She pushes on.

"No mom it's nothing like that. It was a crew.." Deku take's his hands to his head, feeling a migraine from trying to remember. 

There was a knock on the door. 

"Mr. Midoriya. Hi. I am doctor Morten. How are you feeling?" A tall lanky doctor in a lab coat and with a clipboard enters with the same nurse from before, right behind him.

"Uhmm. I have a headache" Deku says and looks from the doctor to his mom.

"Yes well, that is understandable given you've survived quite a hit" He says calmly as he pulls a stool closer to his bedside. 

"If you can please look at me" He says and pulls out a small flashlight. Deku does as he says while the kind doctor gives him a thorough examination and asks him a lot of questions. Enough to make his head spin. After the examination the doctor coughs and starts to lean back. Deku wasn't the slightest happy with his body language.

"Well.. Besides the bone fractures I'm afraid you also have a slight memory loss or known as amnesia. Though I would like to confirm it with a few MRI scans". The doctor turns off his flashlights and looks at both Deku and his mom with a grave expression. 

Amnesia? Amnesia. Really now. He didn't feel like he had forgotten anything. Through doctor Mortons examination he started to remember more and more. The alley where he went as a shortcut to school because he had forgotten his backpack there. Then these four other people came out of nowhere asking if he went to UA dance academy. It all happened fast but he remembered how the pushed and smashed him up a wall and stepped on him with a trashcan lid between his calf and their foot. He vividly remembers the ridges from the trashcan lid sinking into... No, no... He shouldn't dwell on that. But something wasn't right. Both his mom and the doctor explained how he was hit by a car and that his classmate Todoroki was the one saw him get hit and called the ambulance. But that...

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