Chapter 16

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**Authors note**
This is the final chapter you guys! Please enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The two last chapters are probably my two favorites. Which one was your favorite chapter?

- Also, I want to remind you guys I still plan on edit the chapters from time to time. Still haven't gotten around to that. Knowing me by now it might take a while. But I will post on my profile once it has been fully edited

* * * Please enjoy! * * *

"I see..." Doctor Morten keeps switching the different x-rays from the MRI scanning on the light box.

"Wh-what do you see doctor?" Asks, sounding almost too afraid to even ask. The doctor sighs, turns away from the light box and looks at both at Deku and Inko.

"Well.. I have some bad news and some good news, depending on how you see it. Which one would you like to hear first?". Deku looks at his mom. They both were equally puzzled. What kind of question was that? Is the other good or bad? How was this guy a doctor?

"Uhmmm. The bad news I guess?" Deku tries. The doctor smiles and rolls his stool closer to Deku but not too far from the x-rays on the light box.

"So the bad news is that you indeed have amnesia..." The doctor points at some specific areas of this brain where one part is more dark grey than the other and explains what it means. Deku nods along like he understands everything, but really he doesn't.

"The other piece of news is that you have source amnesia" Dr. Morten looks at Deku with a look that asks him, if he knows what that means. Deku's blank eyes gives him the answer he needed. So Dr. Morten inhaled, ready to give him the long medical explanation on what it was.

"Source amnesia is the inability to remember where, when or how your previously learned information has been acquired, while your brain retains the factual knowledge. This branch of amnesia is associated with the malfunctioning of your explicit memory". As expected, Deku looked like one big question mark. What did all of this really mean? He obviously didn't make up Kacchan. He is no imaginative. The doctor must have seen the cry for help in his face cause he continued in a much slower pace.

"Your intentional recollection of factual information or even previous experiences have been compromised, to say it short" Dr. Morten looked at Deku too see if there was any understanding now, and when he got the confirmation he needed, that Deku understood he continued to explain yet again.

"So after you got hit by the car you body was experiencing som servere trauma, especially in your head. Once the source of a memory has been forgotten, it's then easy to confuse an event that was only imagined or suggested with a true one. So the result is then a memory that is false, but it carries the feeling of authenticity". Even though everything the doctor is saying makes sense, there were still some puzzle pieces that didn't fit into this.

"But I heard him! He was in the room when I was in a coma! He held my hand". Deku retorted to look at his mom, tears streaming down his face. She would believe him. But Inko just took his hands and caressed them ever so softly, as if she was trying to calm down a child. He couldn't believe this. He had seen in movies with Uraraka how the person in an accident forgot their loved ones, but never had he heard or experienced a reversed scenario where the patient wakes up and forgets that they don't actually have a partner or a loved one, that it all was one big hallucination!

"Well, you still have amnesia, so maybe that was just your conscious trying to calm you down with this person as a comfort. Besides you have been medicated for quite a while as well. People do hallucinate when they're in a coma and it is unusual to remember much from one's coma after you wake up" They doctor looked almost apologetic as he explained. He shouldn't be, but even when he did, Deku still feel pain. He looked at his leg that was in a cast. he wondered if there would be any signs from the ridges of the trash can lid. Maybe that could prove.... No.. He had to stop. Had to realize none of it was real...

Well, he had both talked and danced with Kacchan and even met his crew. But that's it. He never danced closed to him like he did that one time at the academy. He never formed his own crew with his friends. Kacchan had never been to his house. They never.... Kissed.

The tears had almost stopped, but the thoughts made a new stream take form down his cheeks. Why was his brain so obsessed over this one guy? So obsessed about being a street dancer. Was it like a big fantasy of his, without him even knowing?

"I will leave you alone for a while. Call me if anything happens" Doctor Morten took down the x-rays and walked towards the door. Inko squeezed Deku's shoulder, not getting any reaction back.

"Sweetie. I will go outside and talk to the doctor okay?". Still no response. Another squeeze to the shoulder and the sound of the door opening and closing.

He was alone. Alone with his useless memories. What good were memories if even those can betray you?

* * *

Deku never ended up being numb. He slowly gained feeling again and his broken legged healed slowly but surely. But he was never healed fully for his end of year choreography. So he was allowed to do it after summer vacation.

His summer had therefore been busy. Not to mention sweaty. Todoroki had worked hard to get Deku back into shape and ready for his performance in front of the school. The new first years usually do a performance at the beginning of the year as well. So they put Deku's performance on the itinerary the same day.

"You nervous?" Todoroki asked, looking straight at him in the mirror. Deku thought for a second. Was he ready? He could feel his leg, he knew the choreography but there was still a hole in his heart. The hole had been there since the beginning of spring when he woke up from his coma and he knew it couldn't be filled.

Deku nodded. He was ready.

The spotlights were hot. But it wasn't his first time on the stage. He was prepared. He stood right in the middle of the scene waiting for the cue from the music. His heartbeat was rising. Was he forgetting the steps? No no no. That couldn't be it. It's just nerves. Don't let it get the better of you.

The music started and Deku jumped out on the scene, shocking the audience. The same way he jumped out of his comfort zone by approaching Kacchan in the first place, meeting his crew and dance with Kacchan himself. Those were memories he were sure off. The energy there had been between them, the steps Kacchan had taught him. It was all here. Right now, on this stage.

Deku danced his heart out. Not taking a care in perfecting his steps. He just wanted to do them in the moment and enjoy it. Was the crowd cheering? Where theysilent? Maybe bored? He couldn't tell. It was like he was back in his bubble. His comfortable bubble that closes him off from everything else. The bubble that is the reason he bumps in to cute strangers all the time. Deku smiled and before he knew it, the song ended and he bowed.

His bubble burst and the loud cheering from the audience was now deafening. He could taste the salty sweat dripping down from his forehead. Man was those spotlights hot. He bowed a few more times and he swore he could her Uraraka and Iida cheer from the crowd. He did it.

Back in the dressing room a group of first years doing a perfomance from the nutcracker stood ready to take the scene. They all applaud Deku and praised him for his amazing performance.

"Thank you" He replied shyly. As he walked past them, he wished them good luck and walked towards his makeup table. As he got nearer he noticed that someone had left something on his desk. A bouquet... He walked up to it and recognized them as forget-me-nots. It was probably from Uraraka that had placed them on the desk right when he left for his perfomance. He picked up the bouquet only to find a hat was hidden behind it. Deku's eyes widen... It was a black snapback cap with orange markings. Almost too unique to have been sold at any store. It couldn't be. He put down the flowers to pick up the hat, but a card fell out.

"Break a leg. Nerd."

Four words. Four words, no signature and he already knew who it was from. But how? Deku looked around in the dressing room. But no one was there. The last perfomance was already on stage and everybody probably left to go see it. Deku put down the card and picked up the hat. He rotated it in his hands. Analyzing every angle of it. There was no doubt. This was Bakugo Katsuki's hat. He put on the hat and looked at his reflection in the mirror, while holding the flowers... Maybe he wasn't alone and maybe he could start over.

Maybe his memories will be memories again.

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