Chapter 8

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Date: January 23

Age: 16

Niall and I continued talking for th next coupl months. We called eachother when we could, we texted all the time and we video chatted at least twice a week. It became a normal thing and seemed wierd when we didn't talk. Niall hadn't called in two days, he usually called me because I couldn't afford the long distance calls.

Also, no one suspected a thing, Haley and I went to New York for the MSG concert and it was amazing. The concert was great and we were so close that Niall could see me and he kept smiling at me. After the concert we got to meet all the boys and we hung out and took pictures. Later that night was the best part. Haley crashed out early and there was no waking her up. Niall texted and told me to meet him on the roof, I went up and found him sitting there with a blanket. We talked and laughed and just hung out like friends, and that was what I enjoyed the most, he was normal. When Haley asked who I was texting I told her Nate, Aun Linda's forgien exchange student who I was really good friends with. So things between Niall and I couldn't be better, we were workig though the longdistace thing, and it had been working for over three months.

"Brooklyn," Haley snapped at me, waking me up from the memories of Niall. "Are you going to eat that?" She pointed at the alf burrito in my hand. Well, I was planning to, but instead of risking hearing the rath of Haley, I decided to hand it over.

"Here." The second it was in her hands I was no longer her concern. She was back to looking at her phone. I looked up to see Malcomb staring at me. Things between us had gotten to a friendlier state. He apologized for being such an ass-face (his words not mine!) and said that he wished we could be friends again. I think he needed a friend pretty bad because most of his friends sided with Kayla in the break up, I needed a friend also because of the fact that Haley has gone all psyco-bitch on me after the concert.

"Oh. My. God." Haley said looking up at me."Niall was spotted with a girl named Ali, and a source confirmed that they are together and the source just happened I be Ali on her twitter" 

I held back tears as the bell rang. I knew that if I even let one drop Malcolm could tell and he would ask what was wrong, and I would tell him. Everything. I walked into calculus and the minute my eyes met his I knew, that he knew, that something was wrong.  

"Brooklyn, what is it?" he said to me as I sat down.  

"It's um, it's nothing." I sniffled  

"Brooklyn Rose, I can tell when you ate upset, and you know you can tell me. What's going on Brooke?" He looked into my eyes 

'Ok think Brooklyn, think quick, what could be wrong?' I thought to myself  

"It's my dad," I said, nodding to my self as the thoughts of 'what happened' came pouring in. "He got another DUI and this time it could be serious jail time. It's fine though Malcolm, I can handle it. Let's to some math!" I put on a fake smile and acted excited.  

After calculus I decided skipping soccer would be a good idea. I knew the majority would be talking about Niall and Ali due to the fact that all out them where die hard directioners. I walked to my jeep in the junior lot and headed home. As soon as I walked in the door Melissa was in my face.  

"Did you hear about Niall?" 

"No I did not!" I said sarcastically, "thank you do much for informing me" I nudged her out of the way and walked into my bedroom. Grabbing my laptop out from under the bed and siting down with it. I was just about to open it when Jaime walked in.  

"Hey, uhh, Niall is cheating on you," she smirked.  

"First of all, we aren't dating, so he can't cheat on me. Second, really, thanks for telling me, why don't you go make sure Carter and mom tell me too!" I snapped, I was so mad that everyone had told me but the one person I really wanted to hear it from. Niall. I opened the computer and went to Skype, praying Niall was one line. As luck would have it he was. I clicked on his name and started a video chat.  

"Brooklyn!" he said ecstatically. "It feels like we haven't talked in for-" 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I cut him off.  

"I... Uhh... I um..." he stuttered, he looked shocked, and confused but at the same time sad.  

"Well?" I questioned  

"Yes." He was no longer looking at me, but at the floor.  

"I don't like care Niall, like I said we could like see other people." I did not only use like excessively when I lied, but also when I was trying to cover something up. Right now it was pain.  

"Brooke, I'm-" he started. Then carter bursted into my room.  

"Jaime told me to tell you that-"  

"Get out!" I yelled at him before he could finish.  

"I, um," I choked back the tears. "I have to go." I said, I didn't even wait for a reply, I just shut the computer. Then, I cried, I curled up in my bed, and sobbed like a baby.

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