Prologue (kinda lmao)

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Alex's POV

Grabbing my bag, I walked down the stairs to the reception of the adoption centre. Someone called Kellin was adopting me, he seemed nice enough. I didnt have much stuff, I literally have 3 shirts, 1 pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of shorts. Other than clothing, I had a few bandanas, a picture of my mum, dad and me, and some CD's.

"Hey, Alex, are you ready to come to your new home?" Kellin smiled, I internally cringed but was equally excited. I nodded quickly.

After the papers were filled out, I was the first to speak "What is this whole life style thing gonna be like?" i smiled.

"Fun, definitely, I dont want you to see me as a strict parent, I want you to see me as someone fucking awesome that you can have fun with and talk to about anything. These next 4 years, at least, will be so much fun, Alex." He seemed so happy, I'm actually really excited for these next years.

"I can swear?" I confirmed, he nodded, "Oh my, i havent done that when im not on my own in years." Kellin laughed at me.

"So, tell me about yourself?" he said, fixated on the road ahead.

"Well, my name is Alex-Jackson Kyra. I like to be called Alex or Lex and i dont mind AJ, thats what my friends call me. My name was originally Alex and my middle name was Jackson, after micheal Jackson and Alex, after Alex Van Halen. But i made my first name hyphenated and made my middle name Kyra, in memory of my mum. There's a history of my name." I said lengthily, to be honest I dont think that was all necessary, "My favourite clour is blue/turquaoise because thats the colour my dads hair was when he died and my favourite bands are KISS and this new band Asking Alexandria. I love playing my bass and I collect CDs."

"You're literally the sweetest teenager ever, what the hell." Kellin smiled, and laugh lightly.

"The sweetest kids are generally the sickest. According to Tumblr anyway. I dont really know what that means and i dont really understand tumblr to be honest I might delete it." I rambled.

"And here we have the only teenager in 2009 who doesnt know how to use tumblr." Kellin laughed, "When was the last time you were on a plane?"

"Probably in 2003, we went to Baltimore to see me grandad befre he died." I smiled, "I dont really remember it though." People expect me to be sad when I talk about people dying but I always look on the bright side or make jokes out of it because I think if you make some good memories over the top of a bad one, everything will turn out okay, I also don't accept death. There's just one thing that i an't put a good memory over....

--one week later--

"Are you sure you want to go?" Kellin worried, today was my first day of punlic school since I was nine.

"Yes, I'll be fine. It's only school." I said, smiling, I was trying to hide my anxiety. One of the most confusing things was happening, I was getting anxiety over getting anxiety. I haven't been in public school for a reason. However, I really want to make it through, I just need to push my anxiety aside and think about my new life here in the states.


Kellin dropped me off at the front of the school, I got out and quickly walked to the office, "Um, Excuse me," I stuttered, causing the lady on the desk to look up, "I'm new and I think this is where i'm supposed to pick up my timetable." I spoke in a whisper.

"Ah yes, are you Alex Quinn?" She asked with a smile, I nodded in return, "Here you go, if you have any troubles, just come here, we're happy to help." She handed me the schedule and I smiled at her and walked off. I looked around to see where i might fit in, so I could ask somebody to help. I spotted a boy with a  pierce the veil shirt on. I debated asking him where to go, but gave up eventually.

All of a sudden, I was pulled around and a tall skinny girl dressed in a short dress and small heels with long blonde hair spoke to me, "Heyyyy," She dragged out her words, "I'm Jennifer, you are?" She spoke with a sickeningly fake, thick american accent.

"Uh, hi, I'm Alex," I muttered.

"Sorry what was that?" She virtually shouted.

"Hi, My Name Is Alex," I raised my voice and spoke slowly so she could understamd, I was just taking the piss, but oh my god, that was a mistake.

"Oh my god! She's British, aren't british people meant to be, like, nice and posh, not all gross like you," Her thick american accent completely butchered the word 'British'. What she was saying was making me angry and I knew this was bad, because I knew she was popular.

"Okay, Jennifer. Firstly, it's English, not 'breeddeesh', and secondly, you don't fucking know me, how can you call me gross? Take a look in the mirror." I spoke quite loudly, my accent thickened when i was angry so this was obviously just going to ruin my life. I decided it would be for the best if before anything else could happen, I just walked alway. Through the people that I didn't know were  there, I just kept walking.

I checked my schedule and the first class i had was Spanish. Thankfully, it was an easy class, I can speak fluent spanish because my grandma was spanish and she couldnt speak much english, so I learnt it so i could communicate with her easier. After a few minutes of searching, I found the class. I walked in slowly, just incase this wasnt my class, however I was immediately noticed, "You must be Alex Quinn?" The teacher asked, I nodded and he told me to take a seat next to Abbie.

Once we were asigned work I asked abbie a question, hoping she'd be okay to answer it, "In america, what do you adress your teachers as? because in the UK we just say 'Sir' and 'miss'." I said, I sounded a lot more worried than i actually was...

Abbie just laughed at me, "They don't care, Alex." She smiled. I honestly felt a bit stupid so i just put my head down and worked. I was the only one working and everyone was looking at me, either because of earlier or because working obviously isnt something they do here in america, i dont know...

Everybody was talking about me, laughing at me i could feel their judgemental stares, I felt my heart rate go up and my eyes begin to water. Turning a corner, so I was alone, behind a building, I called Kellin frantically. By now I was full on crying, as the phone rung I whispered 'please pick up' over and over.

"Hey-" he said happily, but his tone took a sudden change, "Lex, what's the matter?" he sounded concerned.

"I...I made a big mistake and everyone h..hates me, and I can't do this, Kellin, this...this isn't okay." I sobbed into the phone.

"I'm coming, don't worry." he sighed.

"wait, what are you coming in?" I said quickly.

"A car?"

"No, please, do you know anyone with something different. I'll explain later, please..."I trailed off, I felt so bad to do this, but i'm really not ready. It's my first week, i'm not prepared to live a lie.

"It's fine, Alex, I'll call vic." He said and hung up.

I walked to the front of the school slowly, it's different here. They don't have huge gates like they do in England, or security and you don't need to be phoned out.

I saw a small van pull up and Kellin was inside, I got in and dryer my eyes, "I'm sorry." I muttered, Kellin looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"It's not your fault, Alex, you don't have to go back. Just tell me what happened." Kellin smiled.

I nodded...

A/N: Sorry if this was shitty oof

Alextragum // Adopted by Kellin Quinn. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now