Chapter one

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--trigger warning--

Kellin's POV

"Alex, it's been a 3 months since the school incident, please tell me why it happened. I love you, kid." I smiled, sitting on her bed, she started calling me dad a couple of days ago. She sighed heavily and nodded.

"when I was 10, I was going up to London with my mum and dad and sister to visit my extended family, my dad let me put on his mixtape. I've always been into heavy music but my mum didnt really like it. I played bullet for my valentine and my mum was telling me to turn it off. My dad was defending me. It was a huge argument, my head started really hurting, which wasn't good. I shouted at them to stop because my head was hurting. My mum turned around and the car behind, slammed into us. The car went down the hill." She paused, and wiped the tears from her eyes, i put my arm around her pulling her in for a hug, "My sister was 1, wanting to make sure she was okay, I wrapped her in her blanket and held her still, making sure she wasnt getting injured. When the car tipped, my head slammed against the window. I thought it was going to be the end of all the Davies." She stopped again, drying her eyes and running her hand through her hair.

"It's okay you dont have to carry on if you dont want to." i whispered, rubbing her back.

"No, you should know." She spoke, i nodded.

"Next thing i know, I wake up in a hospital bed to here the news that my brain tumor had gone but so had my parents. and thanks to me my little sister was okay but she was going to my uncle, who didnt want me because it was my fault. Everyone told me it was my fault, I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression. The PTSD causes anxiety attacks, thats what happened at school." she finished, her eyes were spilling and she just looked sad.

"Lex, can i ask you one thing?" I asked, nicely, she looked up and nodded lightly, "do you ever get to see your sister?"

"She gets to choose when she's sixteen, unless my uncle changes his mind, but legally i can go for custody of her when im 18 but that wont happen. I wont see her for another 11 years." She whispered, burying herself further into my chest.

"Dad?" She muttered, I looked at her and ndded, "How comes you still want me even though I killed my parents?"

I wiped her tears away from her cheeks, "You didn't kill them, Lex, nobody is to blame." I whispered, comfortingly.

"Thanks, dad, I love you." She said, hugging me.

"I love you too, kid," I smiled, "thank you for trusting me." She gave me a small smile.


-knock knock-

"Hey, Kellin. I need an opinion." Vic said, scratching his head, I nodded, "There was this girl and  she seemed nice but i dont really know."

"Hmm...sounds like a mystery." I smiled.

"I just don't know if I should adopt her or not, Kells." vic stressed

"I think you should, she seems... nice?" I said, uneasily.

"All I know is she has good music taste. And likes the colour blue..." Vic trailed off.

"Take a risk, that's what I did with Lexie." I shrugged.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Alex shouted from her bedroom.

"Just go do your schoolwork or something." I called back.

"You know what? I think I will. Thanks for the advice, Kellin." He said, walking out the door, I waved him off. I was probably the worst at giving advice, I just never know what to say.

"Soooo, whats happening with vic?" Alex interigated, walking in and taking a place on the sofa next to me.

"He's going to adopt a girl called Ryan." I told her, she frowned and then raised her eyebrows, as if she'd thought of something.

"Ah, cool. Tell me a bit about her." Alex smiled, she was such a happy kid, honestly.

"I dont know anything." I shrugged, she sighed and shook her head.

"Okay, what do you think she'll be like?" Alex asked, i took a moment to think.

"I think she'll have unnatural coloured hair, and fairly short and skinny." I predicted.

"Really? I reckon her hair will be a colour in the blue family, she'll have green/blue eyes and 5"1 because Vic wouldn't adopt someone taller or nearly the same height as him and a nice body but I don't think she accepts it." Alex explained the image of Ryan she had in her head. I was shocked by her prediction. "What? I have a very detailed image in my head. She has good skin." Alex smirked. I laughed, looking at his phone, which had just made a sound.

"Her twitter is ryanwaltdisney," I informed her, "Vic said to message her so she can have friends."

A smirk grew on her face, "sure I will, I need friends too." She told me, pulling my phone out and finding her on twitter.

Alex's POV

I clicked on the message button and typed out.

You: Yo Yo Yo, Kellin's kid in da 'ouse

Ryanwaltdisney: hey, kellin's kid, it's me ryan.

"Dad, should I invite them over or something."  I asked.

"Yeah, we should have a barbecue tonight!" My dad exclaimed.

You: yeah, I know. Tell Vic and the boys (& you obviously haha.) to come over for a barbecue. It'll be fun.

Ryanwaltdisney: sure thing. They said yeah they'll be over in an hour.

You: cool.

"Dad, I'm gonna go do some school work and change." I say getting up and going to my room.

He nods and resumes looking at his phone.

I went to my room and pulled out my notepad and drew what I think she'll look like and put it up on my wall. I've always been good at art but this one really amazed me, I don't know.

I'm really confident in my body, which a lot of people dislike but oh well. It's September , so I put on some high waisted denim shorts And a cropped a day to remember tank top.

Alextragum // Adopted by Kellin Quinn. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now