Chapter two

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Alex's POV

"Ry, are you okay?" I said waving my hand in front of her face, she looked up, confused. "You zoned out."

"Oh, Yeah," she laughed lightly, "what do you wanna do, now?" She asked me.

"Wait, can we get you out of those clothes. You must be overheating." I frowned at her, she was wearing a hoodie and jeans. Ryan looked really anxious. Of course, I knew what was happening.

"No, it's okay I'm not too hot." She whispered.

"Ryan. I don't care about your self-harm, honestly!" I laughed, a look of panic spread across her face, "chill out, Ry, I'm not stupid. Yeah, you can easily hide it from Vic and the boys."

"How do you know?" Ryan asked, frowning.

"Takes one to know one," I muttered quietly, turns out, Ryan has great hearing.

"Fine, I'll change, just make sure the others don't see 'em." Ryan sighed, smiling.

I smiled, widely "where are they?" I asked and she pointed at her forearms and thighs. I shuffled through my wardrobe looking for shorts and a long-sleeved cropped top.

Once I found what I was looking for I threw a white long-sleeved belly top and high waisted, mid-thigh length denim shorts.

I turned around while she got changed into the clothes I'd given her. Excited to see the end result.

"Let's go outside, I'm bored in here." I say to her as I turn around, "Woah! Ryan, you look really nice." Ryan blushed a little bit and smiled at me. She does have good skin.

Ryan nodded and followed me into the garden, "wow, Ryan. I never thought I'd see you wear something other than a hoodie and jeans." Jaime laughed.

"I didn't want this." She laughed lightly.

"Alex, why are you like this?" Kellin smiled.

"Because if I'm going to have friends, they better not be overheating!" I shook my head, grinning.

I think Ryan is a bit shy at the moment but she'll soon be okay, honestly, I can see her being my best friend. I haven't had a proper friend for ages so I think it will be nice. Also, I was more accurate than Kellin. She has blue hair, 5"3 ish, and blue eyes. She's very thin, but I think it's natural. I don't think she understood what I meant when I said about her self-harm.

Basically, I obviously don't want her to self-harm but in don't think that it should matter, if she wants to she can. If she messages me saying about it then, I'll help her. I'd just rather pretend they aren't there. That's what I mean. I feel really heartless now. I know what I need.

"Ryan! Come 'ere." I called Ryan over to me.

"Yeah, Alex?" She frowned, I made a gesture for her to follow me. I went to my room.

"Ry, I doubt you will but do you have any rollies or something?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"At home, yeah. Not here though. Why?" She sighed, I was shocked by her answer, to be honest.



"When I said I don't care about your self-harm."

Ryan furrowed her brows in confusion, "what?"

"I meant, I'd rather pretend that they aren't there than have you be insecure around me," I explained, not at all in depth.

Ryan nodded slowly and walked out my room, "I'll be out in a second." I said, waiting for her to leave. Once she left, I got up and closed the door. I picked up my notepad and began to draw Ryan, making it perfect. I stuck it on my wall with my other drawings.

I stepped away and looked around my room. I had old pictures of Nikkie and I. I wish I got to know better. I'll probably never see her again, I love her but I cannot go for custody when I'm 18. I don't even want kids until I'm in my late twenties let alone adopt my sister when I'm 18. That's four years.

It was then that I noticed I was crying, I don't normally think of anything other than Dad because it makes me sad and I don't really have anything else to think about. I don't often meet new people, so this was weird. I don't know how to make a good impression because the last new people I met were kellin and the boys PTV and the guys from sleeping with sirens. They're a band that Kellin is in, they haven't got famous yet but I'm sure they will!

I randomly felt arms snake around me, "what's up Lex?" I heard Dad ask, softly, "stop crying."

I turned into his hug, "I don't know, I just feel like Ryan doesn't really like me. That sounds pathetic, I don't know how to do this. I feel like I'm disappointing everyone." I squeeze my eyes shut, getting out the last of my tears.

"Alex, don't worry about it! You aren't disappointing anybody, we all love you." he comforted, drying my cheeks with his thumb, "Now, come back outside and we can chat with everyone else." He smiled.

"I'm just gonna fix my makeup, I'll be out in a bit." I smiled, and sat down at my mirror and took off my makeup except for my eyebrows, and threw on an oversized all time low hoodie and tied my hair into a messy ponytail.

I really need to change up my style.

I pull my hood up and walk out to the garden. I sit down on the wall away from everyone else, putting my earphones in. After the day second song, which was champagnes for celebrating by mayday parade, I felt someone pull out my earphones, I frowned and turned to them.

"What's up, girlie?" I hear Vic ask, as he put his arm around me and pulling me closer to him.

"It's just one of those days..." I mutter glancing at him.

"You can tell me, Lex." He smiled, raising his eyebrows at me.

"It's my sisters birthday today and I haven't seen her since she was 1 and I was 10 because my family don't accept me." I sighed, hugging him.

"Oh, Lex! We need to take your mind off it then. Does kells know?" He asked, nicely. I shook my head, "Mike! Come here!" Vic called.

"Hey, kid, wanna go for a walk or something?" Mike asked, I nodded slowly.

"Guys we're gonna go for a quick walk around the block," Mike tells the guys as we walk out the front door.

This is shitty as SORRY ILY

Alextragum // Adopted by Kellin Quinn. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now