Chapter three

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Kellin's POV

"Lex!" I shouted as I walked into the house,

"I'm in my room. What's up?" She called back, I walked to her room and entered.

"Hey," She said tiredly rubbing her eyes, "what's with the name calling?"

"Party at Vic's tonight!"

"Do I have to go?" She grumped, standing up.

"Yep! Someone wants to meet you." I grinned.


"I'm not telling! But I swear you two will be best friends." I smiled.

She sighed, "what time?"


"WHAT! IT'S 6 NOW." She stressed, walking past me, "I need to shower!" She laughed.

"I know." I smiled.

Alex's POV

I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror.

I'm bored of this stupid hair. Blonde, long. I'm bored of how I dress. It's slutty and stupid. I'm bored of the way I act and the way I see people. I'm bored of lying. But I have to. I'm tired of trying to fit in.

I went to my room and opened my wardrobe, after a while of rummaging through it I found a long sleeved translucent black t-shirt. I put a black bra on underneath and tucked the t-shirt into a short black skirt. This outfit was different to what I normally wear but still a bit slutty.

I tied my hair up in a messy, high ponytail and put on light makeup. I'm really not in the mood tonight.

"You ready, Lex?" My dad called.

"Totally," I replied, coming out my room to meet dad at the front door. I slipped on some trainers and got in the car with dad.


Alex Gaskarth's POV

"That's little Alex!" Vic exclaimed, pointing to the skinny girl that just walked in with kellin.

"...and I'm supposed to be best friends with her?" I questioned Vic in confusion.

"Trust me! You too will get along like a house on fire. Like, brother and sister." Vic smiled, I saw kellin point Alex in my direction and she frowned but walked over to me.

"Hey Alex, I'm Alex. This won't be difficult at all." She smiled sarcastically.

"I know what to do!" I said, randomly thinking of an idea, "what's a name you hate being called?"

"Lexie, you?"

"Al. I can call you Lexie, you can call me al. And it's our thing. No one else can." I grinned, she giggled and nodded.

"So, hows life?" She smiled, leaning on the table.

"We're touring for nothing personal in about a month and we're yet to get a support, which is nice," I said sarcastically, "and I need a haircut? Other than that, it's fine! How's it for you?"

"Oh, interesting. My biggest problem right now is the chemistry work I have stacked up in my room. I'm homeschooled, yet I school more that public schooled people do. However, it's all art or literature. I don't do much." She looked relieved to let all of that out. I'm sure she isn't actually a teenager.

Alextragum // Adopted by Kellin Quinn. [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now