What If?

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I wish I had amnesia,
That way I'd forget for sure,
The way you could make me smile,
For no reason whatsoever,
Like you promised you would forever.

I was stupid for ever hoping,
I was stupider for not trying,
I let my fears control my actions,
Now I'm regretting all my decisions.

I wish I had a time machine,
That way i wouldn't end up wasting,
The days I spent talking to you,
For I would open up my heart,
Like I should have from the start.

Now I am left with the what If's,
They are like poison to my heart and soul,
If the poison killed me it would hurt less,
But the poison itself is never ending,
Unlike the demons I tamed and became friends with,
Maybe it's just my minds way of coping.

I'm drowning in my mind and I cannot survive,
I cannot be saved for I am the destroyer,
How can I be my own savior?
The truth is I can't move on for I am stuck,
Stuck in time when you were present.

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