{Chapter 2: the unexpected}

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

The next morning I am woke by the sound of Skylor running to the bathroom and... Throwing up?
I get out of bed, go up to the bathroom door rubbing my eyes and knock on it.

"Hey Sky? You alright there?" I ask.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," she answers, her voice shaky.

"Can I come in?"

Then the sound of the toilet flushing and the door unlocking and opening. Skylor was as pale as paper and had small, dark rings under her eyes.

"This is my third time in 24 hours," she said whilst yawning.

"Awh," I said and pulled her in for a hug, "maybe you have a fever? You never know after all the ice-cream we've had yesterday."

"But I don't feel unwell. I mean, I do but not in a 'fever ill' kind of way," Sky explained, pulling away from the hug and leaning against the door frame.

"Well why else would you be sick so much?"

Skylor thought for a second and then her face expression showed pure horror. I looked at her, confused why she would have such an unexpected expression on her face.

"I'll go make myself some breakfast. I'm super hungry," she quickly said and rushed downstairs.
I was still confused so I went back to mine and Skylor's room, grabbed her phone and looked up her symptoms on the internet. There were a few but there was one that grabbed my attention the most.

And suddenly I understood why Skylor looked so scared 5 minutes ago.

After breakfast I rushed out onto the deck and was surprised to find Caleb there, staring down over the barrier. He'd look completely fine if not the couple of plasters on his face.
To be honest, I just wanted to get to Ninjago City as quickly as possible so I could get what I wanted for Skylor and throw it at her. So, I jumped over the barrier as quickly as I could, let the wind make me fly and flew off before Caleb could say anything. I'm not gonna lie, I'm still not used to his presence and I find him a bit creepy at times. I mean, he was still unable to move yesterday and now he was standing there like nothing happened.
A chill went down my spine and I wasn't sure if it was because of Caleb or because of the wind blowing in my face.

Time skip...

When I was back on the bounty, Lloyd practically ran into me which caused the two pregnancy tests fall out my pockets (I bought 2 in case the first one was wrong). We both went to pick them up but when Lloyd realised what they were, he froze dead in his tracks and looked at me with his eyes wide.

"Kaitlyn, wh-" he started.

"They're not for me! They're for Skylor!" I quickly explained, cutting him off.
Lloyd's expression went from terrified to relieved and back to terrified.

"Why would Skylor need them!?"

I shook my head, "I'll explain later. First, I need to give them to her."

I went past Lloyd to find Skylor with the tests in my hands and found her speaking to Kai in the kitchen.

"Skylor. Our room. Now." I commanded. She looked at me confused but when she noticed what I was holding she quickly stood in front of me, turned me around and started pushing me towards our bedroom.

"What the hell, Kaitlyn!" Skylor shouted as soon as the door of our room was shut, "what if Kai saw what you were holding!?"

I threw the two pregnancy tests at her, "bathroom. Now."

And then Skylor did something I deffinately wasn't expecting. She dropped down to the floor and started sobbing.

"Kait, what if... What if I'm..."

"There's only one way to find out," I said sadly. Sky wiped her face, picked up the tests and dragged herself to the bathroom. I actually felt really sorry for her.

A couple of minutes later Skylor came back, dropped the tests onto the floor, flopped down on her bed and started swearing through her tears.
I quickly picked up the tests and the packaging to see what the two lines on each test meant.
I almost screamed when I found out.

"What am I gonna doooo!?" wailed Skylor. I sat down next to her and started rubbing her back.

"Well, first you gotta stop crying because that's unhealthy for the ba-"

"But I don't want it!" Skylor intrrupted me, "I don't want it! Not now!"

"There's no way I'm gonna let you get rid of it. Look on the bright side Sky! You're gonna be a mom! And Kai is gonna be a dad! Because Kai is the dad, isn't he...?" I said trying to cheer her up.
Skylor lifted herself up.

"I guess so. And yes, he is,"

"Did I just hear that right!?" Lloyd asked bursting into the room, " Skylor is pregnant!?"

"Keep your big mouth shut!" snapped Sky.

"Lloyd were you listening to our conversation?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Mmmaybe..." He admited. I sighed.

"Please don't tell anyone," mumbled Sky.

"We won't but you will have to tell everyone eventually. Especially Kai," I said.

Sky nodded slowly, "I'll tell him... Later."

"Sky, you do realise that you can't go and fight Chen with us now, right?" said Lloyd and Skylor groaned.

"That's so unfair!" She called.

"Hey guys, what's all this noise about?" Asked Kai, coming into the room and when he noticed Skylor's red eyes (from crying) he immediately walked over to her and put an arm around her, "what's wrong Sky?"
I got up, walked over to stand next to Lloyd and stared at them. Skylor suddenly looked ashamed and covered her face with her hands.

"We'll... Leave you two for now..." Said Lloyd whilst grabbing my hand and leading me out the room. Poor Skylor... 'Later' came quicker than we all expected.

"How do you think Kai will react?" I asked Lloyd when we got to the living room.

He looked me in the eyes, "no clue, Kaitlyn, no clue."

Skylor's P.O.V.

"Sooooo? Will you tell me what's the matter?" Asked Kai. I pulled away from him and stood up. Kai also stood up and decided to stand in front of me. I couldn't look him in the eyes so I looked down instead. Right at my stomach.
Kai pulled me in close and started stroking my hair.

"Look, whatever it is, we'll get through it," he whispered. I hugged him tight, "okay Skylor, you're starting to scare me, will you tell me what's wrong?"

I pulled away and took a deep breath, "Kai... I'm... pregnant... With your child."


A/N : 3 things to say:
1) I'm so sorry for not updating much but I don't have a phone or anything (don't ask) so I don't have anything to write/ update on ☹️

2) I'm sorry if you found this chapter cringey but... Hey, Skylor is a future mom, whoop whoop 😂❤️


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