{Chapter 3: Just Friends}

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Skylor's P.O.V.

"Y...you're what?" Asked Kai, his eyes growing wide.

"You heard me right," I sobbed, "I'm so sorry!"

"No no no! Skylor, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about!" Kai said and his lips started curving into a smile.

I stared at him confused, "why are you smiling? This is possibly the worst thing that could've happened."
Kai immediately looked a bit hurt.

"Oh no no! I don't mean it in that way... What I'm trying to say is... Now isn't the right time. We're sposed to be going off to fight Chen soon and now just isn't the right time to have a child... This pregnancy took me completely by surprise, I'm sorry if I seem a bit harsh."

Suddenly, Kai wrapped his hands around my waist, picked me up and spun me around, "I'm gonna be a dad! I can't believe it!"
I laughed. I certainly didn't expect this reaction.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and went in for a hug but instead I felt Kai's warm lips press against mine and his arms pulling me closer to him.
Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I stood up from my wheelchair and started to overreact. To be honest, I don't need it anymore 'cause the gypsums are gone and I can walk just fine (it's just my arms that are taking longer to heal) so I have no clue why I carry it around with me everywhere. It might be because it's just a free, portable seat you can take anywhere. "Well... What if Kai gets angry? What if-"

"Kaitlyn, will you please stop with the 'what if's' ?" Asked Lloyd annoyed, "Kai isn't THAT bad, he'll understand."

"I hope so... But I'm still gonna go and check in on them," I replied and started heading towards the stairs but something held me back. And that's when I noticed that I was still holding Lloyd's hand...
My face immedietely went hot and so did his (I don't think either of us noticed up till now) but neither of us let go.


"Good idea, let's go," said Lloyd. I smiled and we both started heading up to mine and Skylor's room.
But guess who we met on the way up? Caleb the creep.

"Whoa, didn't see you guys there. What's up?" He asked, almost walking into us and smiling. His ocean blue eyes were shining and I think I started daydreaming for a minute or two.

"Oh... Uh nothing much," I replied when I snapped back out of my thoughts and smiled back.

"How are you here...? I swear I saw you in the kitchen just under a minute ago as me and Kait were passing..." Said Lloyd.

"Lloyd, trust me, I have NO clue. One second I was there and now POOF I'm here. I was just about to go down again when I bumped into you two," replied Caleb and he really did look like he was telling the truth.

"That's weird..." I commented.

"I know. It's been happening for a while now and I can't seem to stop it," Caleb shrugged, "oh.. I never knew you guys were together,"
Caleb pointed to mine and Lloyd's linked hands. I quickly pulled mine away and started blushing again.

"We're not... We were just uh... We didn't even realise," I said quickly.

Caleb winked at me and I found myself blushing even more, "suuuure. I'll see you later then!"
And after that he walked off.

"Well that was... Awkward," I said to break the silence between me and Lloyd.

"Why did he wink at you?" Lloyd asked.

"I dunno, go ask him," I shrugged, "why?"

"In my opinion, that guy is suspicious..."

"You think so?"

"And you don't?"

I shrugged again, "Um... Not reeeeeally."
Lloyd frowned.
And then it clicked.

"Is somebody jealousss?" I teased. Lloyd's cheeks started to go bright red.

"Me jealous? You wish," he said and looked away.

"I don't wish, I know ," I said and laughed. I decided to take hold of Lloyd's hand again too.

"Is that better? Are you more confident that Caleb won't take me away from you now?" I carried on teasing.

Lloyd's face turned even more red but he decided to join in the joke anyway, "hmm, I'm not sure... Maybe a kiss would make me 100 percent confident though..."

I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. Now it was my turn to blush and Lloyd smirked. He actually started slowly leaning in and I was still trying to work out whether he was actually going to kiss me or not so I did nothing.

"Tut tut tut, if you two want to kiss then get a room but Lloyd, what did I tell you about kissing girls if you're under the age of 21?" Said a voice from behind us. Misako. Lloyd jumped back and almost fell off the stairs. Misako laughed.

"Moooooom," he groaned and rolled his eyes, "it's called a joke, I wasn't actually gonna do it."

"Didn't look like a joke to me, young boy," smiled Misako, "I was joking about the under 21 kissing, by the way Kaitlyn, you can make out with my son for all I care, just don't go too far. Yet."
I didn't exactly know what to say so I gave her an awkward smile instead and I swear I looked like a tomato by now.

"Mom, can you... Not?" Asked Lloyd, annoyed, but he looked like one too.

Misako ignored her son and winked, "I'll see you guys later then, have fun!"
And after that, she walked off.

"She's actually so annoying sometimes," said Lloyd and facepalmed.

"Lloyd, were you actually gonna kiss me then though?" I asked out of nowhere and then quickly slapped myself on the inside for asking such a weird question.

"You want my honest answer?" He asked. I nodded slowly, "well that kind of depends. You didn't start leaning in so I might have stopped and moved back saying it's a joke even if Misako didn't come."

"The only reason I didn't lean in was because I had no clue what to do... I never kissed anyone before," I said quietly and kind of embarrassed, "Anyway! We were on our way to see Skylor weren't we?"
I quickly changed the subject because I couldn't bear the tension between us anymore.

"Oh yeah! How could I forget? C'mon!" Smiled Lloyd and he was back to him normal self again. Thank goodness for that.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" Said Skylor from the other side of the door. I opened the door and found both Sky and Kai smiling widely.

"Did everything go... Okay?" Asked Lloyd.

"More than okay," replied Kai.

"You're gonna be parents! I can hardly believe it!" I squeeled and started jumping up and down.

"And you're gonna be an auntie! " Added Skylor.

My eyes widened, "oh yes I am, aren't I?! That's so amazing!"

"Lookes like Lloyd is gonna be the uncle," smirked Kai.
Oh yeah. Me, Lloyd, hands. Whoops.

"Oh no no no, don't get the wrong idea, we're still just friends but we were teasing each other and kind of just ended up like this," I tried to explain. Lloyd nodded to show he agrees yet neither of us let go.
I'm not gonna lie: I didn't want to let go anyway.

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