Chapter 7: Killing the Hidden Feelings

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POV: Y/n (Kakoshi)

As I helped Tatsumi fix breakfast, I saw Akame feed Mine, I kept some out for Sheele. “Ah.” Akame said, “Mine.” “Leave me be, I can eat on my own you know.” Mine said with her arm in a sling, “I’m trying to help.” Akame said holding out a spoon. “Alright, alright.” Mine replied. “Akame can be incredibly sweet, can’t she Tatsumi.” I said. “Huh.” Tatsumi started, “yea, I mean Sheele was almost killed, and yet, Akame is so calm and indifferent about it. But to think that Seryu is the one that almost killed Sheele, it makes me realize how heartbreaking this line of work can be.” “I understand you Tatsumi.” I said placing my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “By the way Y/n,” Tatsumi started, “you need to shave, you’re starting to grow a beard.” “I kinda like it,” I replied

Pov: writer

This will be one of a few times the fourth wall will break, and it's to help those who are unfamiliar with things. For a while you start to resemble Blondie from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  the only difference is that it resembles yourself more.

  the only difference is that it resembles yourself more

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POV: Y/n (Kakoshi)

“Guys, we have a new mission to perform tonight.” the boss said, “This mission comes straight from the Revolutionary army leaders. Our targets are civil officials, the Kobore brothers. As a direct subordinate of the prime minister, they are villains who did the lion’s share of the work for him. So be on top of your game tonight.” “Boss,” I started, “do ya mind if I sit this one out, I’d like to stay with Sheele.” “Sorry Y/n,” the boss said, “I need you out there, I’ll keep an eye on Sheele for you, I’ll send Leone for you when you need to leave, forget your chores for today, Tatsumi, Lubbock, or Bulat can cover for you.” “Wait, What am I doing?” Lubbock asked entering the room, “Covering Y/n’s chores for the day while he stays with Sheele.” the boss said, “Thanks for volunteering.”

I then sat at Sheele’s side for the rest of the day, “Sheele,” I started, “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get to ya fast enough, if I had taken on Seryu, I, I, I might have been the one to get shot, and you could still be perfectly fine.” “Hey Y/n.” Leone started, “I know you’re getting close to your girlfriend, but we need to get going.” “Alright Leone,” I said kissing Sheele. “Let me grab Extase and I’ll be ready to go. Also, if you start makin’ fun of me for bein’ in a relationship, you’ll never be able to sleep again.” “So how can you use Extase if Sheele is alive?” Leone asked, “Well Leone,” I said grabbing Extase and placing it on my back, “since I’m technic’ly a teigu I can wield any weapon based teigu, but not to it’s fullest potential.”

A few hours later, Tatsumi, Leone and I arrived at a mansion, which housed our targets. “Active, Lionelle!” Leone said activating her teigu. We then entered the mansion and found our targets in the kitchen, Tatsumi slid is sword through one of the men, and Leone snapped the others neck. As we left we heard a young voice. “Daddy,” the voice said, I could tell it was a little boy, “Daddy, what was that noise.” As we heard that we ran out of the house as the child screamed.

Later we sat on a river’s edge to rest, I heard tatsumi speak. “Shit. He was a villain who tricked and abused people…” Tatsumi said cleaning his sword intensely, “Yet to a child, he was just a good father, right?” “You can try for the rest of your life, but that stain will always remain with you.” Leone said. “A stain?” Tatsumi asked as Leone walked behind him, when he turned around, she placed his head in between her boobs. “I got worried knowing that you were just too kind hearted.” She said, “That’s why I came to check on you, you just… have greater mental fortitude, right Tats?” “Tatsumi,” I said, “I’mma tell ya something, it never gets easier having to kill, it’s a scar that never heals.” “Hey Leone,” Tatsumi started, “What got you into this line of work?” “I beat up some assholes I didn’t like, and then I got scouted.” She replied. Tatsumi and I just looked at her in silence for a while. “Wait that’s it?!” Tatsumi said, “How did you get that Teigu?” “I talked a guy in the black market into giving it to me.” she answered, “Turns out it happened to be a teigu.” “That seems awful coincidental.” I said grabbing my now forming beard, “I’m guessin’ no one could sync with it.” “Yea.” Leone said “Well, let’s head home.” I said walking back to the base.

I suddenly work up in the middle of the night to get some water, realizing I had fallen asleep in a chair next to Sheele’s bed. On my way to the kitchen I heard a crash and I rushed in hearing a conversation between Akame and Tatsumi. “Composed?” Akame started, “Used to it?” “Akame?” Tatsumi said, I could here Akame starting to cry “Sure enough” Akame started grabbing Tatsumi’s coat, “I have seen many allies die before my eyes… however one of our precious comrades almost died!!!” At this point, she stopped holding back as tears came out like a waterfall. “There’s no way you can ever get used to this kind of pain!!! But these feelings will have an impact on our next mission! So I go around acting like I’m just fine about it!!! We work from the shadows! What would I do if I couldn’t flip this switch---?!! And you… call this being composed… I… How am I supposed to feel about Sheele’s coma…? How am I?!” As Akame cried into Tatsumi’s chest, Tatsumi punched himself in the face, Tatsumi, I thought, what the ‘ell are ya doin? “Wh-what are you doing?!” Akame said, “Are you okay Tatsumi?!” “I was just flipping the switch.” Tatsumi said sitting on the ground, wiping his mouth, “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, I want to apologize, Akame. I was thoughtless. And I’ll make you this promise. I will not die! I’ll certainly stay alive!! I’ll never make you experience this pain!!” As he said that, I walked out from behind the wall, “And Akame,” I started, “I’ll never let ya experience the pain either.” “Tatsumi, Y/n…” Akame said holding her chest “We’ll make a new country…” Tatsumi said, “Where we can see everyone’s smiling faces.” “And that includes Sheele, and every other member of Night Raid.” I said “Yeah,” Akame said wiping her eye, “That’s right.” "Now y'all get to bed." I said leaving the room.

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