Chapter 16: Kill the Reunion

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POV: Y/n (Kakoshi)

“And finally…” Tatsumi said, “I’ve seen it myself. The Jaegers fighting strength.” “Each of ‘em” I started, “have teigu an’ skills that balance each other out.” “Seriously, all of them are teigu users…? Damn that’s scary.” Leone said in shock. “And for Kurome to be a member of it as well…” Akame said. “It’ll put a burden on ya, that’s understandable, I’ve bonded with almost every member of the Jaegers, similar to what I have with the folks here.” I said looking down. “Why didn’t the both of you escape the empire together?” Tatsumi asked. “When I became dissatisfied…” Akame started, “...of course I tried to convince her… ...but my sister chose to stay… If you asked her… I’m sure she would consider me a traitor.” “I’mma be honest, she said that outright when I said she looked like ya.” I said. “Can one of you tell me, was Kurome constantly eating something?” Akame asked, “Actually yeah, she was always munching on sweets. Like every time she had a spare moment.” Tatsumi responded. “I see.” Akame answered, “However, she would wait for my biscuits for breakfast.” I responded. “Akame! I have told you this before. If your little sister appears before us, we have to hit her with everything we have.” Mine said. “We should be prepared if we’re going to be up against her.” Akame said. “By the way Akame, I think your sister likes me.” I said to the shock of everyone in the room. “Did something happen?” Sheele asked with a dark energy emanating from her. “No, I overheard he mumbling during a training mission.” I said as a sweat drop rolled down my forehead, I noticed Tatsumi look at me as if he knew I was lying. “Why do I not remember this happening?” Tatsumi said miniachly. “You were with the Genr’l the entire time.” I said hoping he understood. I’m sleepin’ in the dog house tonight. I thought. “I’ll discuss this with you at a later point.” Akame said. “I agree.” Sheele said.

“I’d like a little more info on their teigu. Seryu’s strength has been heightened by weapons placed in her body, right? Rubicante is famous, but countering it will be difficult. Info on the winged teigu Mastema is already in the notebook. But it’s special ability is still unknown…” Lubbock said. “There’s also March of the Dead. Yatsufusa.” I started, “Those slain by it, will become the wielder’s livin’ corpse dolls, however it’s limit is eight people at a time. The dolls can be freely manipulated including their abilities in life.” “S-s-so th-th-that means if you get killed by her, you get a fate worse than death! You turn into an enemy, right?” Tatsumi said in shock. “But since you’ll be dead, you won’t need to worry about it.” Leone said. “Murasame is scary too…” Mine said, “But Yatsufusa is frightening, huh…” “I find it odd that Akame and Kurome use opposite weapons, one kills, the other revives.” Sheele said. “Now, how the ‘ell did I just notice that?” I asked in a joking manner. “I really don’t want that kind of death. Anyways, the remaining teigu are… that armor type Grand Chariot… and  then Perfector.” “That doctor guy is the one I want to take out first. If we can do that, I’d like to get a hold of that Perfector.” Mine said, “Mimic: Perfector. This ‘elp at all?” I said activating the abilities of Perfector, transforming my hands, feeling them become far more nimble. “No it doesn’t!” Mine said aggressively. “That is a very useful teigu, as well as yourself Y/n.” Leone said putting her hand on Tatsumi’s head, “Talking about who we should take it is fine and good, but come on, we’re all together again! We finally got Tatsumi and Y/n back!” Leone said rubbing Tatsumi's head in her boobs. “If ya do that to me, I will use Cross Trails and tie you to a tree.” I said as Sheele placed her arms around my neck. “I’ll just be happy if my report can help in some way.” Tatsumi said. “Hey Y/n.” Lubbock started, “What was your village called?” “Yarlford.” I responded, “why do us ask?” “It wasn't on the map,” Lubbock added, “and we needed a record of were Elemental Heart was located.”

“So… what do you think of the general herself after seeing her in person?” Mine asked. “Esdeath, she’s on an entirely different level…” Tatsumi said rubbing his head. “Personally, I still want to give it my all in a fight against her, last time I fought her, I couldn’t kill ‘er official rules an’ stuff.” I answered clenching my fist. “We don’t know what the limits and weaknesses of her teigu are, right?” Mine asked Lubbock, “Yeah. just how far are how much can she freze with her ability?” Lubbock said, “Couldn’t tell ya, it differs from wielder to wielder.” I said “Esdeath is certainly powerful…” Akame started, “But she has a weakness.” “And that is?” Tatsumi asked. “She’s alive…” Akame said unsheathing Murasame, “She has a beating heart. If so… I will kill her. Even if she is the fabled strongest of the Empire!” “Akame…” Tatsumi said, “HELL YEAH!” I shouted. “Hehe. That’s our trump card for you. Just what you’d expect!” Lubbock said. “It’s not as idle boasting coming from our honor student. Rather than say it, please do it.” Mine said. “Ending it with one hit from Murasame would be great. Well…” Leone started “it really appears we’re going to have to rely on this strategy, huh.” “Don’t forget. I could help in that are as well.” I said. “Returning to the topic at hand… I think the Jaegers members just about match up with us person for person in ability. But numerically, we’re at a disadvantage since the entire Imperial guard will be behind them” Tatsumi said, “An’ we have just one more, Seryu mimics Mine, the Dr. mimics Sheele, You and Wave are basically the same person, there’s Akame an’ Kurome, Lubbock and Run seem to balance each other out, there’s obviously the Genr’l and the Boss, which leaves me, Leone, an’ Bols as wildcards. However they have far more practice working together.” I said placing my fingertips together. “If we had to go up against them as we are now... “ Tatsumi started, “We’d be in trouble. And I don’t think it has to do with their level of fighting spirit or heart.” Why am I getting a bad feeling ‘bout this? I thought as I looked out the window. I thought as I looked out the window.

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