Chapter 15: Kill the Escape

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POV: Y/n (Kakoshi)

I woke up in the morning to fix breakfast, only to find the Kurome was sleeping grabbing me like a body pillow. When I got out of bed I heard her mutter, “No Y/n don’t leave me, I love you.” As I heard that, I covered her back up and kissed her forehead. “Kurome,” I said quietly, “I will protect you and keep you safe asif you were my own daughter.” I then got dressed and left to fix breakfast. “Mornin’ Bols.” I said walking into the kitchen. “Good morning Y/n,” Bols said filleting the fish Wave brought, “Okay,” I started, “How many fish did wave bring?” “He brought a lot.” Bols said as I started mixing biscuits, “Hey Y/n, would you mind teaching me that recipe sometime.” “No problem pardner.” I said handing him my notebook with the recipe in it, “These were the recipes given to me by my mom, ya can borrow it fer a while.” Just then I heard a knocking at the door, “Who would be at the door at this hour?” I asked Bols as he opened the door, “My girls.” He replied as a blonde woman and child walked into the room. “I must have left my lunch at home.” “So this is yer fam’ly.” I said having the little girl run up to me. “Are you a cowboy?” she asked gawking at my hat, “Why, yes ma’am I am.” I said squatting down and setting my hat on her head, “Can you teach me how to ride a pony?” She asked. “Haha, one day young one.” I said getting back to my cooking. “Now sweetie.” Bols started, “Don’t annoy Y/n too much.” “I won’t papa.” She said heading back to her mother. “By honey I wish we had more time to see you, but we need to be heading home.” Bols wife said as the two of them left. “Them seem’d nice.” I said, “I see why ya love them.” “Thank you Y/n.” Bols replied setting his lunch on the table.

Just then Wave came in. “Morning guys.” He started, “the fish smells good.” “Thank you Wave.” Bols responded. “Y/n are you ready for training.” Wave asked me. “Yeah,” I responded, “But we’ll wait fer the others to arrive an’ eat breakfast.” “Okay,” Wave started, “and look who's coming into the fray.” As he said that Kurome walked in yawning. “G’mornin’ Kurome.” I said pulling the biscuits out of the oven. “Good morning Y/n” Kurome said. “How did you sleep?” “I slep’ well,” I started, “but when I woke up,” “No need to continue!” Kurome said while her face turned blood red. “Haha,” I laughed, “All I’ll say is that I heard what you said, and it is somewhat reciprocated, I’ll explain later.” “O-o-okay.” Kurome said nervously as I set the biscuits on the table and she quickly grabbed one, burning herself since the biscuits just came out of the oven, “Careful Kurome,” I said, “They’re hot.” “Once breakfast is done,” Esdeath said walking in with Tatsumi, “We shall head off to Fake Mountain. Wave you will handle Y/n and Tatsumi during the day, and we shall change partners at night.” “Yes ma’am.” I said bringing out the filleted fish and setting it on the table. “By the way Genr’l, what kind of trainin’ will we get into today?” “We will be hunting.” Esdeath replied grabbing a biscuit and placing a filleted fish in the center. “Sounds good ma’am,” I said sitting down to eat, “I’ll make sure my weapons are cleaned.” “Before we go,” Esdeath started, “Mt. Fake is the perfect place for an ambush, so keep your eyes open for enemies while hunting!” “Roger!” Wave said. “Until evening, we’ll be hunting for treeman cells.” Esdeath started, “once we get there, Kurome and I will search the east side, while Wave, Tatsumi and Y/n will search the west side. One more thing, I didn’t get to see much of Kurome a few days ago. So as your captain, I need to make sure of your abilities.” “Eh?” Wave started, “does that mean you’ve already confirmed mine and Y/n’s?” “You happened upon a good teacher.” Esdeath started, adjusting her hat, “You’re strength is perfect. You should be proud. Plus you saw me fight Y/n at the tournament.” Good, I thought, Esdeath and Kurome will be on the other side of the mountain, so Tatsumi and I should be able to get away. “At dusk, we’ll switch off.” Esdeath started, “Tatsumi will be with me, Y/n will be with Kurome and Wave will keep an eye on the camp.”

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