Pt 5

74 6 5

Don't play music yet

As jimin walked out of the store it was already dark now

"Whoah that was fast , where was soomin again mhmm let's see"

Your p.o.v

"Ahh the breeze is nice" you said to yourself , the sun was now sleeping and the moon was very evident , stars started to appear slowly and you smiled at the sight
It was the little things like these that you appreciated , no one really knew that you were like this

You were listening to the waves and looking at the dim light from the moon this moment was all too familiar to you , but this time the air was a little chilly but nothing that made you shiver, as you continued to enjoy this quiet moment  someone interrupted you

Music cue

"There you are" a soft voice said , the figure placed something like a jacket on your shoulders

"Here, it's starting to get colder gotta keep you warm" he said smiling at you.

"Ahh and here's your coffee" , he once again added placing the drink next to you.

As jimin left the store

Jimin finally spotted soomin sitting, the wind was blowing through her dark silky hair , from the angle he was looking at her she seemed like she was really enjoying the beach , her soft smile was showing and he didn't know why but his heart was actually beating right now

There you are he said

"Here it's starting to get colder gotta keep you warm" he said to her placing his large jacket on her small body , "ahh also here's your coffee"

The girl didn't make any movement as he just sat there speaking to her

"You know I'm actually surprised that your enjoying this moment , I know you don't like being out in the dark".

"This is nice isn't it that stars are becoming more and more noticeable, I had a friend when I was really really young so you probably don't know even remember her hehe" *awkwardly laughing*

"she loved the stars and was so mesmerized by them well by anything to be frankly ho"- jimin stopped when he noticed that the girl next to him has been silent this whole time and seemed a bit uncomfortable
"Um soomin are you okay"?

Your p.o.v

When the figure continued to talk you knew right away who it was that soft voice you were very used to . Why is he here why is he talking to me , especially about our past .....psht friend?

You were trying to to not let the boy hear your rapid heartbeat as he kept rambling used to love when he talked .....

"Um soomin are you okay?"

Soomin? , you thought , soomin you then whispered out loud

You realized that jimin mistook you for her and immediately got up got up and walked the other direction leaving jimin confused

"Soomin? Where are you"-

Authors p.o.v

Jimin kept calling  out to the girl as she got farther and farther away

"Soomin? Where are you"-
He was interrupted by another voice calling him
"Yah Park Jimin!"

"So...soomin ?"

"Yah where have been it's cold"

"Ahh sorry I lost you ...sorry"

"Whatever let's go it's getting really cold"

"Do you not want to stay for the stars"

"Psht why? I got a drama to catch up on"

"Okay then let's go, he said disappointment in his voice"

If that wasn't soomin just now who-
Wait......... y/n he whispered softly

"What was that?"Soomin asked

"Uhm nothing just thinking" jimin responded leading her to the car

Authors note

Short chapter ...😅 thank you for reading 💕🤧


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