Chapter 6

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Today's outfit :

Today's outfit :

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Elena's POV

I walked into the school. The Hell. Lucifer is real guys. I walked to my locker and opened it to search for my English book then I heard some weird noises from the locker room. I opened the door and saw Grayson making out with some random bitch.
G: "Oh my god Elena."
E: "What the fuck??"
It was quite till I started to cry.
G: "Elena please. I can explain."
E: "No! Don't touch me! I thought you liked me Grayson. But your still the old fuckboy!"
I walked out of the locker room and started to cry even more.

Grayson's POV

I walked into school to my locker. I searched for Elena but she wasn't here. A girl came to me. Adriana the school bitch. She grabbed me by the hands and walked into the locker room.
G: "Adriana wtf are you doing?"
A: "You said it rn. Fuck."
She grabbed at my jeans where my dick was.
G: "Adriana STOP."
A: "Why? You always liked it."
Then she kissed me.
G: "I'm not like this anymore!"
A: "I don't careee Grayson. I'm so horny Rn. I need you inside me."
Then I saw that Elena walked in.
G: "Oh my god Elena ."
E: "What the fuck??"
Nobody said anything till she started to cry.
G: "Elena please. I can explain."
E: "No! Don't touch me! I thought you liked me Grayson. But your still the old fuckboy!"
She walked out and I felt how broken my heart was when she said that. It's all my fault. I messed up!

After school

I drove to Elena's house to talk to her. I knocked on her door and she opened it. There she was. Her eyes were red from all the crying and she looked like a mess. She was standing in front of me in just an other sized hoodie.
E: "What do you want Grayson?"
G: "Elena please let me explain."
E: "Okay."
G: "I didn't wanted that I swear. She wanted that I fuck her and I told her stop and then you walked in. Elena that's the truth please."
E: "Okay."
G: "Oh thanks Jesus."
She started to laugh
Gosh I love that laugh
G: "Can i come in?"
E: "Sure"
I need to tell her now.
G: "Elena i really need to tell you something."
E: "Umm okay."
G: "i think i Love you. No I don't think that I know it."
E: "Omg Grayson I love you too!"
G: "Oh my god really???"
E: "Yeah!"
I held her face in my hands and stared into her dark brown eyes. I licked my lips and then, I kissed her.

Elena's POV

He held my face and licked his lips and then, I felt his lips on mine. His soft lips pressed at mine and I kissed back. He looked me in the eyes. We kissed again but this time it was harder. It was actually a making out. I wrapped my legs around him and we walked upstairs into my room
Oh my freakin god!!!

Instagram: @createdolantwinss

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