Female Chara X Male Reader

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Hey I know it's been awhile but uh ya here ya go! Also Frisk makes an apperence in here!


I was walking in the park with my girlfriend when she suddenly fell down, I knelt to her side and her eyes opened. "Frisk, you okay?" I asked she laughed, it was almost sinister. I've never seen her open her eyes before, they were a beautiful red color. "Oh, I'm better than 'okay'!" She said wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down, her voice wasn't calm and cute like normal, it was rough and scratchy. "Let's play a game~" She said pulling me closer to her, her eyes fluttered closed as her lips met mine. 

I shut my eyes enjoying the kiss, I moved my legs so I was straddling her, she noticed my movement and bucked up her hips. My eye popped open and I blushed, she did it again, grinding up slightly on my crotch. I felt my dick get hard from excitement, I blushed bright red and tried to pull away. She suddenly let my neck go making me fly backward and hit the ground. I sat up only to be pushed back down as she pulled off my shirt, and trailed her hands down to my jeans. 

She twirled her finger around the button before undoing it, she slowly pulled down the zipper, I wanted to protest but lust got the better of me. She pulled my pants and boxers down to my knees, she leaned down and licked my slightly erect dick. She slowly began to suck and I laced my fingers through her hair moaning lightly, she bit down on the tip making me gasp, I quickly put my hand over my mouth. 

She lifted her lips to my ear. "You don't want people to hear us do you?" She asked before going back to my cock dripping slightly with precum, I looked over at the bushes surrounding us, hoping no one would come near us. She licked my cock clean before removing her shorts and panties. 

She sat on my cock but it didn't enter her, it was between her pussy lips (? Idk...), rubbing her clit. She moaned and moved faster, I felt her precum slid down my cock. "Ahh F-Frisk mhmm~" I moaned out, she stopped moving and stared at me, she leaned close to my ear. "I'm not Frisk, I'm Chara." She said seductively, I was shocked, I tried to push her off but she pinned my arms down and started to lick and suck my neck, I opened my mouth to yelled for help but she kissed me making me silent. I wanted to fight back but she was so attractive, even if it was just a freak in Frisk's body. Her behavior was so sexy.

As I was lost in thought I felt her sit on my cock, this time it slid inside her making her moan loudly. "Aahhh Mmmmm ohhhh your so big~" She whisper yelled.

Chara POV (because I can) 

"UGH, YOU'RE SICK! GET OFF HIM!!!" frisk yelled in my ear, I ignored her and looked down at her moaning mess of a boyfriend. He was loving this! I started moving up and down on his dick as I leaned down to bite his neck and chest. "Ahh, Chara mmm~" He moaned out. "See aren't I a better liver then that Frisk you waste your time with?" I asked before he could answer I started going faster slamming down on him.

Reader POV

Chara was moving so fast but I needed more, I started bucking my hips up to get deeper inside her. Before I knew it I had flipped us both over so I was on top, I grabbed her legs pulling her closer and started thrusting into her, her moans turning me on. I felt myself getting closer, I moaned out and thruster until I cam inside her. I pulled out and started getting dressed. "What about me?" Chara asked sexually frustrated.

Frisk POV 

"Give me Frisk back!" (Y/n) said, when Chara did respond he got closer to her. "Give her back and I'll make her cum till she limps, and you can watch." He said, I felt my face turn bright red and I was so thankful he couldn't see me. "Psh, you were no fun anyway." Chara said coldly before switching places with me.
As soon as my soul returned to my body I felt the heat (y/n) left Chara with. "Mmmm..." I whimpered, (y/n) blushed and helped me up. "Are you mad?" He asked looking away as I slid my shorts back on. "N-no... But uh can we go home?" I asked and he looked at me puzzled, I leaned into his ear. "I need you, I feel so... Hot~" I moaned into his ear, and he took my hand as we headed home to ya know ;)

The End! 

Maybe Nah it's the end lol

Hope you guys enjoyed!!!

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