Gaster!Sans X Female reader

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So im kinda writing this with no plot in mind, lets see where it goes~

Reader POV

I was walking home from the store when I heard a woman scream, I dropped my bags and ran to the ally. She was held at gun point by a robber, I grabbed a pipe and snuck up behind him and hit him on the back of his head. He passed out. I looked over to the woman, she was really pretty. "You okay?" I asked reaching my hand out to help her up.

"Much better now, thank you!" She said taking my hand, I pulled her close and smiled. "You could always pay me back with dinner~


She stormed off with all her things leaving me in the ally with a big fat red handprint on my cheek, lovely... I grabbed my bags and continued to walk home. "God, I saved her life! The least she could to give me a chance... no wonder she got jumped, bitch..." You mumbled to yourself.

"Ya, women can be harsh..." You turned around but didn't see anyone. "H-Hello?" You asked, you felt a hand on your shoulder, your eyes widened and you swung at the stranger but he was gone. You ran home and locked the door, you took a few deep breaths and calmed down. "It was nothing, I'm imagining things."

"No, I'm very real~ You just can't see me~" He purred in your ear, you froze in fear. "Show yourself!" You yelled, reached for an umbrella in case he tried anything. "As you wish~" He said and began to appear in front of you. "Sans..." (I'm dropping the gaster and just calling him sans cause idk plot logic...) You said dropping the umbrella and ran to hug him.

"Hey (Y/N) long time no see." He said hugging you back, after a minute you pushed him off. "Why did you scare me?" "Bored..." He said plainly. "Whatever... It's nice to see you again! So what brings you back? I thought you had more important things to do in some other timeline or something?" I asked, his eyes dropped to the floor, he looked sad.

"Nothing really, what about you? How have you been?" He asked smiling again, as he waited for an answer he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Well?" He asked. "Nothing, same ol same ol." I said, he smiled a little but tried to hide it. "No girlfriend?" He asked I scoffed. "As if, all the ladies here are too stuck up!"

"I see, have you tried the other way yet?" He asked I blushed. "N-No, I haven't found anyone, plus if it's not for me I don't wanna get stuck in a relationship..." I confessed, he snickered. "Have you ever considered a prostitute?" He asked, my eyes widened. "NO WAY! I want my first time with a guy to be rememberable, even if it's not my thing!" I yelled, he looked away and put out his cigarette, he kept looking at the floor and blushed. "I-If you want, I could uh, never mind..." He said and faced away from me.

"What? Tell me!" I yelled, he kept facing away, I tiled my head till I could slightly see his face, it was a deep yellow, his right hand holding his face. I returned to my spot behind him. I looked him up and down, he's gotten taller, his jacket looks too small on him. I took a few steps closer and stood on my toes so I was leaning on his back, I rested my head on his shoulder and felt him stiffen up.

"You can tell me, I won't get upset or anything." I said as my arms reached up and hugged him around his waist. He took a few deep breaths and sighed. "I uh... would you um, do you wanna find out with me? If you like guys I mean..." He asked, my face turned a dark red color, and I froze. "I-I came back for you, (Y/N) I missed you." He said, I pulled away and pulled his jacket to make him face me when he turned around fully I grabbed the sides of his skull and stood on my toes to kiss him.

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