Request Form

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Hey guys, if you wanna make a request please follow my request rules! Here they are for a small recap! 

Before I start with the rules, please remember this is FANFICTION and NSFW, not everything in here is accurate nor true, and it contains sex, along with other mature content!

  One more thing! If you want to request a one-shot book for a fandom message me! I might also be in the fandom and just haven't gotten around to making the book!   

Dos -

1) Private message me!

It's a hell of a lot easier to keep up with your requests if they aren't scattered in the comments! If you do comment a request I will ignore it!

2) If your request involves Reader (Or any other genderless characters)!

Please include what sex organs you want them to have. If you tell me you want female parts I will likely refer to the character as female altogether unless asked otherwise. If there are certain pronouns you would like me to use, tell me! If there is a combine of sex organs you want on a character let me know! (Example: Boobs, and a penis - or a flat chest and a vagina - or a hermaphrodite.) The genders don't have to binary and neither do the sexes.

3) Details!

If there are any details you want (Clothes, place, actions, etc.) Tell me!!! It helps to get some insight on what you want and makes my life easier!

4) Open or Closed!

Please check if my requests for the book are open! I close them when I feel like I have to much work. You check this by looking at the book details, it will say in the first line if the book is closed or not!

5) Follow me!

I'm only taking requests from people who follow me cause I'm shallow like that...

Don'ts -

1) Be rude!

If I refuse your request for whatever reason move on! I'm not writing it and you can't make me!

2) Request an under 18 character!

If you are under 18 I will accept your request, but, all the characters in your request will be 18+, why? cause its sin! I don't care what your reasoning I won't do it!

3) Complain after I post it!

If you don't like the finished product just re-request it, don't bitch to me and demand I redo it... I'm a reasonable person...

4) Favors...

I don't do favors... Example: Being bumped up on the list. Requesting something when my requests are closed. 

Please follow these and be respectful!!! 

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