14; Karma

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    Lucas shuffled along the busy streets of New York, New York. It was eleven thirty at night, but time wasn't stopping anyone here. There was a reason people called it the "city that never sleeps". Even after the sun sets, light continues to brighten the crowded sidewalks. New Yorkers and visitors alike just can't stop, won't stop, don't stop.

    He crossed the street over to Lexington Avenue with a herd of other people before the light even signaled them to go. These were the homegrown New Yorkers; those who had been born and raised in the city. They had a sixth sense for when it was or wasn't safe to cross. It came with experience, often caused by the pressing rush to get from place to place. The vehicles normally moved slowly enough that it wasn't a huge issue anyway.

Lucas entered Gregorys Coffee, a small, casual hangout particularly popular amongst college students. The artistic aroma of freshly ground coffee beans greeted him as he strode up to the counter. The surface was almost completely covered, half with ingredients used to create a variety of interesting coffee flavors, and the other half with a long, glass display case containing pastries to match whichever beverage a person chose to purchase.

    The privately owned coffee company had multiple locations in the area and around. Since Lucas was a "Gregular" at any shop he could find, he found it beneficial to download the app and earn cash back for every purchase he made. He used such rewards for moments like these, when he needed caffeine in his system.

"I'll have a large dark roast," he told the employee. He handed her his phone with the coupon already pulled up for her to scan. After she handed him his steaming cup, he turned to scan the tables for a place to sit.

    A young woman stood from her seat at the back corner of the shop. "Lucas," she called, motioning him over.

    He smiled and moved to take the seat across from her. "Karma, right?" He stuck out his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

She nodded, taking the offered gesture and shaking. "Nice to meet you too." Her dark eyes, black as a raven's feathers, moved to his left hand which held his precious coffee. "So. Dark roast, huh?"

    Laughing, he scooted the cup to the side. "Yeah. I just can't do all that extra sugar, you know?"

    "I'm the opposite. Plain coffee is so bitter and doesn't appeal to me." Karma tucked a strand of hair, black at the roots but dyed blonde near the tips, behind her right ear.

    She was a stylish girl, Lucas noticed, who came across as edgier and leaning more toward a biker-type fashion. Her hair was cut to a short bob, and her makeup was what one might call "on point", with lips painted red, and sharp eyeliner that announced her bold personality. From what he could tell by the one ear she had just exposed, she probably had two piercings on each ear. There was also a small jewel on her nose.

"Then what do you prefer?" He inquired, taking a sip of his drink.

"A caramel mocha frappé is my usual."

Lucas quirked an eyebrow. "Really? I expected something . . . darker, for you."

Her laugh was unique to his ears, like nothing he'd ever heard before. It wasn't silky and smooth, like the laughs of most of the women he'd met before. It was heavier. More mysterious.

    "Actually, I expected a more froufrou drink from you," she responded.

    He clicked his tongue. "No, no. Those are what we coffee connoisseurs call "sissy drinks". You only get the feel of true, American coffee by drinking the bitter blackness of straight, black beans."

"At least sissy drinks taste good."

"To you, maybe. Plain coffee is just something I had to get used to."

    Karma rolled her eyes. "So do you want to talk costumes or are we going to sit here and debate about ground up beans all night?"

    "I don't know. I can do either with ease."

    "Let's talk costumes."

    "Okay." Lucas set his coffee down and reached into his drawstring bag. He retrieved his sketchbook and favorite pencil and laid them out on the tabletop. Skipping through all his past sketches, he turned to a fresh page and looked over at Karma, pencil poised over the paper. "First, what is the purpose for this costume idea?"

    Karma reached into her own bag, a rather expensive looking black satchel, and pulled out a silver iPad Air. A few swipes and she turned the device so Lucas could examine what was displayed on the bright screen. He squinted, studying the image carefully, pencil lightly tapping his chin.

    "So you have a sort of samurai warlord outfit going on here," he deciphered, watching her face for signs of confirmation.

    She nodded. "Exactly. This character leans mainly on his blades and martial arts training, so the outfit needs to be easy to move in, but also heavily armored."

    Instantly, ideas began to take shape in Lucas' mind. His creativity came out in the design he lightly sketched onto his paper. Excitement grew as he and Karma worked through different features, remodeling and reinventing the already established piece. Before he finished, they decided to move on to the next costume.

    "For his ninja squad," Lucas stated. A collection of black, loose-fitting outfits with many hidden pockets and compartments, would be for the warlord's many battalions. Improvements were made and ideas tossed back and forth.

By comparing the Asian friends he'd made in the past, Lucas determined Karma to be Japanese, which would explain her vast knowledge of the history and culture of the Ninja. She was an intriguing female who knew what she wanted and kept up good conversation. He'd never met anyone quite like her, and found he didn't want the meeting to end.

    "This is perfect," commented Karma as they both stared at the finished drawings. Lucas had downed two coffee's within a timespan of forty-five minutes, and Karma eventually gave in and ordered herself a drink. With a little persuading from her tall business partner, she branched out to try something new: a peppermint mocha. Still a doctored drink, but at least it was different.

Lucas hummed in agreement. "I think so too. I hope they turn out well."

Karma began tucking her things into her bag. "I really appreciate this, Lucas. I've been searching for someone with original ideas, and your brain has exactly what I picture in my own mind."

    Chuckling, he blew a strand of hair out of his eyes and stood along with her. "Wonderful. I'll look forward to seeing the finished product."

    "We'll negotiate a fair payment within the week."

    He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets, licking his lips nervously. "Do you want to get together again sometime? I . . . I had fun tonight." He felt awkward saying it. He'd never had any issues talking to girls before. It had always come with ease.

    Immediately, Karma smiled. "You know what? I'd like that a lot." She shouldered her bag and he stepped aside to follow her to the door.

    "Great! Let me know when a convenient time opens up, and we'll go from there." Lucas pushed open the door and waited until she stepped out to do the same.

    Looking over her shoulder as she walked away, her deep eyes twinkled mischievously. "We'll be in touch."

    Lucas found himself standing in the middle of the sidewalk, breathless, as annoyed New Yorkers brushed past him hurriedly.

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