ONE - That Baby Boy

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AJ Styles mom (Elizabeth) POV
(A/N: Yes I made that name up)
"AJ!" I yelled. I haven't told him yet but I've been dating again.. I know he doesn't like it but I have too! I want AJ to have a man to look up too. Ever since his father left he thinks all men are evil and well he's never been the same after the.. abuse. I met a really nice guy at my job who asked me out. I got a babysitter for AJ and hopefully everything will be fine.

"Yes mama?" AJ says in a soft gentle but southern accent.
"I won't be home tonight. I got you a babysitter is that ok?"
In a panicked, worried voice AJ says "W-where will you b-be?!"
"I have an um.. d-date."
"W-why.. w-with who!!" AJ starts to lightly tear up.
"It's ok baby.. it's just with some friends." I then dry his tears and kiss his for head, "Everything is going to be ok.."


Chris Jericho's POV

"Hey Chris you comin' to Carmella's party tonight?"
"I can't.. I have to babysit that baby Allen"
"AJ? That boy that sits behind us in Math?"
"Yeah that's the one!"
"Man that sucks.."
"I know.. but I'll talk to you later I have to go."
"Alright bye"

(A/N: ok that's just the beginning! I hope you enjoyed and I'm trying to update everyday this week! I love you guys and go ahead and please follow me on tumblr and Twitter
I just made the Twitter btw)

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