ELEVEN - mixed feelings

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Allen Jones POV

"I'm bi."

I decided to come clean to Kenny and tell him the Chris situation and I told him about how I yelled at my mom. I needed his advice and just someone to help. I figured he's probably never dealt with anything like this and has never been as confused before as I am now but.. I was wrong. He came out to me! I assumed a man like Kenny would just be a straight jock but.. he's really just a bisexual weeb- in a good way of course. He gave great advice though on helping with my feelings issues, he told me that it's kinda obvious there's a connection between me and Chris but he also said to be careful with him 'if he could play all those girls and his friends, I'm sure he could try to play you as well' it wasn't too comforting to hear but it was true. I don't know what I should do and I don't think I can bring myself to even look at Chris again..

Chris Jericho's POV

All I think about is AJ and watching him get close to that weird new guy makes me sick! Seeing them together, laughing and having fun is hard for me.

Why couldn't I just be nice to him in the beginning?Why did I do all those bad things to him?
And why was he always so nice to me even when I wasn't to him..

Maybe he's just straight and I should let him go or maybe I should try harder at being straight..? Now everything is confusing me. Does AJ like that new guy? Does AJ think about me? Will AJ's mom tell my dad about what happened?
Ok I just need to calm down.
Walking home from school I happen to see AJ walking with the new boy. They seem to be laughing a lot so I try to ease drop on them. I hear something about gaming.. house... AJ's house? Hanging out together?! Yeah no- I can't let him get any closer to AJ! What should I do..

Allen Jones POV
-the next day at school-
After school I was had to find Kenny so we could start walking to my house. While searching I saw Chris while on the phone in the same empty hall as me coming my way. I figured since he was distracted with the call I'd just look down and walk quickly. Since I wasn't looking we accidentally ran into each other and I dropped all my books and phone.. great. I knew I should've just put my stuff in my backpack. We made eye contact for what felt like forever before I looked down and started picking up my stuff. He helped and handed me some of it. He tried to start a conversation but I stormed off. I just couldn't say anything to him. I eventually found Kenny.
"Are you ok? You're sweating?" Kenny asked
"I just ran into Chris.."
"Ah sheesh AJ, we go to the same school and you'll need to talk to him eventually."
"I know but still- lets just go I'm tired of this place."
Kenny laughed, "alright let's go."

Once we got to my house I immediately grabbed snacks and had Kenny started the game. I went to grab my phone then realized it was no where to be found.. I search all of my pockets and backpack pockets but- no where! I couldn't find it at all.. shit
I made Kenny look around for it too but both of us had no luck.. where the hell is it?!

Chris Jericho's POV

I may or may not have AJ's phone.. now if only I had the password.

After a few attempts I'm in.. this isn't bad is it- I mean I'm just curious and the phone is right here..

(a/n: hellooo! sorry i wanted this chapter to be longer but i was in california with family so i haven't had too much time to write but aH i'm getting better at updating i hope also damn i change the pov a lot lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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