THREE - Party

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Allen Jones POV

Wow I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to a high school party behind my own moms back with a bully. How "lucky".

"Get Out let's go." Chris said is a rude rushed manner. He obviously didn't want me to be there but he had to.. just in case so I'm not caught home alone.. I get out of the car and silently shut the door. Chris pulls out a 6 pack of beer and walks towards the door then knocks

"I hope this is enough to drink!" He said obviously joking to Carmella
With a giggle in her voice, "Add it to the rest!"
"Haha you got it, c'mon Baby boy."
"What's he doing here?!"
"I'm babysitting!"
"As long as he doesn't get in the way of the fun.."
"Oh.. he won't"

He pulls me into the house where I see everyone else at my school that has ever bullied me.. and of course everyone at my school who just hates me because Chris does. Walking in I'm greeted by loud rock music and dirty looks. Chris immediately left me for his friends Seth, Roman, and Kevin. I'm pushed around with nowhere to go.. I look around at the snacks.. just a bunch of liquor and the food looks disgusting!

"U-umm e-excuse me..?" I stay to man eating away at the snack table "I-is this f-food good..?"
"Yeah I like it.." the man says obviously not caring what the food tasted like.. he was just a pig.
As the party goes on I'm stuck just watching and getting things thrown at me sometimes.. oh no.. I could feel it, I'm about to cry. Of all times it just had to be now. I hold the tears in and look for a bathroom.. nothing in sight. Where's Chris?! I need to go home now! All of a sudden Seth and Roman came up to me,
"Where's Chris?!" Seth basically demanded
"Yeah baby boy.. where's your babysitter!"
"I-I don't k-know.."

Seth shoved me into the wall and the whole place got quite.. Both Seth and Roman started yelling but I couldn't understand what they were saying. My face got hot and then I couldn't see as my eyes watered up. A tear fell out of my eyes as I yelled "STOP!" Seth dropped me and I pushed them out of my way. I couldn't see where I was going but I had to leave.. they can't see me crying anymore. I shoved a door open and my eye sight came back. It was Chris and some girl making out. Chris stopped and looked at me.. along with Seth and Roman who weren't far behind me. I ran outside then Chris followed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Chris is obviously angry
"W-what do you m-mean.. j-just please t-take me h-home." I say still crying trying to open the door. Chris unlocks the door and gets in..
"Hurry up and get in.. we're going home." Quickly I open the door and he starts driving. I thought he was driving me home until he made a strange turn into a park.
"Umm w-what are we doing here?" Chris turned off his car then we sat in silence for a second..
"Thank you.." Chris said softly but with so much meaning..
"F-for what?"
"I know what I was doing back there was a huge mistake. So tell me Baby Boy.. what's your deal?"
"W-what do you m-mean?"
"There's something about you.. that's different.. that I like about you." I could feel my face turn red and heat up.. but still what was he talking about..?
"I-I don't understand..?" I said and Chris just starred at me. The car was quiet and the atmosphere.. it was something different... I've never felt this before. Chris got closer and I didn't know how to react.. I was frozen. His lips opened and he whispered softly "are you gay?" I stopped and immediately started crying which broke the atmosphere.
"W-what's wrong?! A-are you ok?!" Of all the things to ask me at this time. Am I gay?! My life has been surrounded by those words. I didn't know.. I still don't. I was constantly abused by my father because he thought I was and my momma.. I know she won't support me if I am. Deep down something tells me I am but still.. I can't. Finally I focus back on where I am.
"AJ.. I'm not judging you! Please it's ju-"
"Take me h-home.. what i-if momma is back."

It was silent the whole ride home. When we arrived I ran to my room and stayed alone and cried until I heard momma arrived. I whipped my tears and sat on the couch with Chris watching whatever was on tv.

"Did you two have fun!" I shook my head yes. So did Chris. "Good I had a good night too."

(A/N: sO how'd you like this chapter ;) thank you Syaz705 for the idea and helping me make this story!! ^!^)

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