Chapter Five

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The night before..

Luhan started to walk home as soon as Chanyeol picked up the unconscious Baekhyun bridal style. He trusted the taller male to look after him.

Thoughts continued to spin through his mind until he noticed a large opening to the forest. A little walk wouldn't hurt, would it?

Luhan hesitantly walked into the opening and memories of the forest filled his head almost immediately. He noticed the moon shining brightly above him, it wasn't quite full yet. But it still remained beautiful.

All these feelings happening at once made Luhan smile widely, and without thinking he let out a long, deep howl. It felt so good to let it out, but it was probably the biggest mistake of the evening.

Eyes began to surround him, greedy ones. Realizing what he had done, he began to panic. He couldn't run, and he certainly refused to defend himself. He probably deserves this for letting Baekhyun risk his life for him.

Luhan closed his eyes tightly and waited for the impact of claws and teeth. But it never came.

Instead he heard something else.

A silhouette of a tall, slim man came into view, his eyes glowing amber. His growl was very loud, and it sent shivers up Luhan's spine.

The wolves surrounding Luhan drew their attention towards the tall male. And instead of running up to attack him, they stood still and stared. The male roared, which resulted with the wolves (including Luhan) to flinch and yelp.

Each wolf scattered across the forest, Luhan saw nothing like it before. They really feared this wolf. And Luhan sure did fear him also.

The wolf started walking towards Luhan, and the smaller didn't know why he wouldn't run. He didn't stare either. His head was buried in his hands and he started to shake with fear.

He felt hot breath on his neck. He was sniffing him. Luhan let the wolf sniff him from his neck to his covered face to his chest. He was petrified.

"You're a wolf" the wolf spoke. Luhan nodded while his face was still covered. He felt the wolf grab his wrists and slowly pulled the hands away from Luhan's face.

"A domestic one" he continued. Luhan looked at his feet and still said nothing. "Why won't you speak?"

Luhan looked up at the male and took a moment to scan him up and down. He wore black clothing, slightly torn. His hair was blonde and in a complete mess, overall Luhan found him quite attractive.

"Thank you... for saving me" Luhan finally spoke and gave a small smile. The wolf turned his head like a confused puppy. "What's your name?"

The taller seemed to take the question by surprise, his expression still showed no emotion. "Sehun" he said bluntly.

"Well, Sehun... my name is Luhan, it's nice to meet you" Luhan smiled. Sehun didn't return the smile, he just nodded.

"Where's your pack? You shouldn't be by yourself..." Lu continued. Sehun looked at him dead in the eyes and spoke sternly, "the humans took them".

Luhan's heart broke into a million pieces, "I'm sorry". Sehun shook his head, "nothing else could be done."

"But if you're a domestic...why are you here in the forest?" Sehun questioned, his brows furrowed. Luhan looked at the floor again, "I do miss my old home, I just wanted to walk around for a bit". Sehun nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, a strange idea popped into Luhan's head. "Why don't you stay with me, Sehun?"
Sehun's eyes widened, "What?"

Luhan looked away, "it doesn't matter, I don't know what I'm say-"
Sehun had his hands on both of Luhan's shoulders, causing the smaller to lookup at him with widened eyes.

"You're asking me to stay with you?" Sehun questioned as if it was the most absurd idea ever. It kind of was, why would a domestic take care of a stray?

Luhan nodded shyly. "But why?"

"Because you don't have a pack, you're not safe out here as much as I'm not"

"But you're in more danger than me, I can take care of myself"

"You saved me, I want to give you something in return." Luhan silenced the two. They stared at each other for a good while until Sehun gave in.

"Alright. But...please make sure they don't catch me"

Luhan smiled and grabbed Sehun's hand. Both male's cheeks were tinted with pink as Luhan let Sehun through the city, all the way home.

Luhan wondered if it was the right thing to do.

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