Chapter Fourteen

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Chanyeol invited everyone to come over, so they could spend time together as a group.
But Baekhyun argued that a room full of werewolves wasn't a great idea (especially if some wolves haven't met before).

The first couple to walk in was Junmyeon and Yixing. Baekhyun hadn't spoken to Junmyeon since he told him he's a werewolf. The awkwardness still stuck in the air.
As for Yixing, Baekhyun didn't know what to think.

As soon as the couple walked into the living room, Baekhyun ran up to smell the newcomer. And Yixing did the same thing.

All Chanyeol did was stare, I need to get used to this...
As soon as everyone arrived, the excitement started.

The first thing Jongin noticed was the scratches on Sehun and Luhan's face.
"I see you two like it rough" he joked. Chanyeol and Junmyeon spat out their drinks while Luhan and Kyungsoo sighed deeply. "Hilarious, Nini" Luhan grunted.

"What? Who doesn't love a rough play fight?" Jongin laughed.
It was Baekhyun's turn to laugh, "play fight? You do that when you're pups!"
"It was fun, okay?" Luhan defended. Sehun was paying attention to the goldfish in the tank more than what was going on.

"Can I ask all the wolves in the room something?" Junmyeon started. All the wolves nodded and looked in his direction.

"So...all these stray and domestic wolves are being caught, right?" They nodded.
"Has anyone ever...escaped?"

The wolves looked at each other for an answer. Only a few shrugged.

"I know a few wolves who escaped" Sehun spoke out. "I do as well" Baekhyun agreed.

"well, who?" Jongdae asked the two.

"They call themselves NCT, different wolves from different packs. But as soon as they escaped they formed a pack together" Minseok joined in the conversation.

"Do you know how they did it?"

"No one knows" Sehun concluded. "But the main mastermind behind the escape plan is called Taeyong"

"How many wolves escaped?" Chanyeol asked.

"Eighteen" Baekhyun replied.

"That's a lot"

"But more wolves are being captured than escaping, and it needs to stop" Sehun said.

" did you two meet then, Luhan?"
Jongdae asked the pair.
"You're making it sound like we're dating" Luhan snorted.
"Wait, you're not dating?" Jondgae cocked a brow.

"This just gets better and better"

"Zip it Nini!"

Jongin raised his hands in defense and continued to chuckle.

"No, we're not dating...we're just good friends!"

"Friends" Jongin mimicked. Earning a cold stare from Luhan. "Yes, friends"

"His face says otherwise" Chanyeol pointed towards Sehun, who was looking into some space. His expression was a little miserable.

"He's fine, Yeol. He's daydreaming" Luhan shrugged. But he actually didn't know what Sehun was thinking. Did he hurt his feelings?

Sehun broke out of his trance. "No we're not dating" he said bluntly. "Still didn't answer my question" Jongdae pointed out. Luhan sighed.

"I was strolling through the forest because I was curious. And I missed home a bit..."

Everyone nodded.

"So, anyway. I howled, which was stupid because I attracted the attention of some stray wolves. And they could smell that I wasn't stray..."

"The stray wolves always come after you, Lu. Why's that?" Baekhyun butted in.
The question caught Sehun's attention more as he thought to himself, red eyes.

"I don't know...but can I continue?"

Baekhyun nodded.

Luhan cleared his throat, "then Sehun appeared out of no where and he roared at them. They ran off and Sehun didn't kill me. The end"

Everyone sat back and took all the information in.

"Baekhyun, you know Luhan personally, right?" Sehun asked the smaller male.

Baekhyun nodded, "why?"

"How did you two meet?"

"He was abandoned, my parents found him when he was seven and I was five"


Baekhyun nodded. "I don't know why"

"why the questions, Hunnie?" Luhan tugged at the younger's sleeve.

"Just curious" Sehun looked at the smaller, who was looking at him worriedly. Red eyes...

"But I-" Luhan began to speak but Sehun pecked his lips to shut him up. "No more questions" he said casually.

Luhan sat there in shock, speechless. He didn't even realize Jongin scooted closer to him to whisper in his ear, "just friends, huh?"


"What? You've already got pet names and he kissed you for crying out loud" Jongin smirked.

"Hey, I'm no ones pet!" Sehun snarled.
"No no no, 'pet names'. Some couples give each other cute nicknames while in a relationship, so that's called a pet name" Jongin explained.
Sehun nodded in understanding.

"So...LuLu would be a pet name?"

"You call him that to show affection?"


"Well then, yes. That's a pet name for Luhan then" Jongin smirked.

"You better not teach that wolf the wrong things, Jongin" Yixing finally spoke.

"Don't worry...I will"

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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