Chapter Eighteen

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A loud slam erupted from Chanyeol and Baekhyun's front door, startling the couple from their little kiss session.

Several pants were heard from downstairs, which obviously meant someone had come in, and the couple weren't hearing things.

Baekhyun peeked his head around the door to see an exhausted Yoongi and Jin. They look like they've just ran a marathon. Soon enough Jin fainted, Yoongi was lucky enough to catch him.

"What happened?" Baekhyun worriedly asked Yoongi, who was completely traumatized.
"Jimin...Namjoon...they" Yoongi started. He was about to continue until the four heard scratching noises come from the other side of the door.

"They're not them, Baekhyun. The humans did something to them!" Yoongi cried. He had his face buried in the unconscious boy's chest. He couldn't hold it in anymore. His Jimin was gone.

"What do you-" Chanyeol started but he was interrupted by broken glass and several growls. Jimin had entered the house.

"What the fuck?!" Baekhyun screamed, he had never seen anything like it. It was like something had come out of a horror film.

"Where's Jungkook and Tae?" Chanyeol worriedly questioned.

"Both unconscious. Jimin and a Namjoon took them out. They're somewhat stronger" Yoongi didn't remove his head from Jin's chest.
"Chanyeol, carry Jin upstairs" Baekhyun sternly put.

Without hesitation, the taller male carried Jin upstairs to the spare room. Grateful that Jimin wasn't moving, it was like he was waiting for his next command.

"Why didn't you help my brother, Yoongi?" Baekhyun didn't look at the wolf on the floor. Yoongi was speechless.
Namjoon also turned up, his face peered through the broken window, which led Baekhyun to sneer at the two.

"You're going to have to help me take them down" Baekhyun whispered. As if someone flicked a switch, Jimin bolted in Baekhyun's direction. Baekhyun's fangs immediately aimed for the younger's neck and he bit down. Yoongi was startled, and he didn't have time to think of how Baekhyun's didn't get hurt. Jimin was...powerful.

Jimin yelped at the contact and aimed his claws at Baekhyun's own neck. Baekhyun let go and dodged the swipe.
Namjoon remained still, just like a robot. Yoongi couldn't quite figure out why he wouldn't attack, but he had to prepare for when Namjoon takes his turn.
Taehyung opened his eyes and saw the living room was a complete mess. The pain he felt all over his body was unbearable, he couldn't move.
The first thing that came to his mind was his lover, is he okay? Is he hurt? Did he leave with the others to get help?

His question was soon answered when he saw Jungkook standing above him, completely dripping with blood. He was clutching his left arm, which was badly wounded.
"We need to send help to Baek's house" Jungkook panted. "How do you know they're at his?" Taehyung mumbled.
"Where else could they go?"

Taehyung nodded and slowly lifted himself up from the floor, his body unbearably sore. "Where's the phone?" Taehyung grunted, his hand on his wounded stomach.

Jungkook dialed Luhan's number, along with Taemin and Jongin. They were their only hope.
"Help is on the way" Jungkook sighed as he looked at his injured boyfriend.
"Such a coincidence isn't it? We were wondering what happens to us once we're captured and there you have it" Taehyung returned the sigh. So many questions were spiraling in his head, causing a headache to follow behind it.

Jungkook snuggled next to Tae, placing his hand on top of his lover's. Taehyung placed his head on Jungkook's. They just sat there, still.

All they could do was pray for their friends.
Baekhyun was soon enough coated with scratches, they weren't too deep though. Yoongi was fighting off Namjoon, the strength of the younger was ridiculous. Yoongi's cuts were far deeper, and he received a deep bite mark also.

Several howls erupted from outside the house and Sehun was next to burst through the window, eyes flaring and teeth dripping with saliva. Jongin and Taemin accompanied him, which left Jimin and Namjoon outnumbered.

The two monsters snarled at the three but didn't move, they were giving them a warning to back away from the fight. Luhan peeked his head through the window and had some plants in his hands. "You planning my funeral already Lu?" Baekhyun joked, earning a glare from Luhan. Taemin found the joke quite amusing.

"Remember these plants, Baek? We'd use them if a wolf was seriously sick?" Luhan called. Jimin didn't seem to like what he was saying, and he started to inch closer and closer. Sehun immediately noticed and moved towards him, becoming defensive over his carer.

Soon enough, the fight started all over again.

Luhan ran over to Baekhyun and Yoongi, showing them the plants. Memories immediately flashed back. These indeed are powerful plants.

"Jungkook said it's like they're being mind controlled, so I thought they have some sort of serum in them. We can use this to wash it out?" Luhan questioned.
"Luhan, you're a genius!" Baekhyun jumped with excitement. "We just have to find a way to get them to eat it" Yoongi stared at the fight behind him.

"Boys! Knock them out!" Luhan shouted above the noise. He could tell that they heard him, as they became more rough. And the screaming came from Jimin and Namjoon more than the other three. Baekhyun noticed his boyfriend peeking his head through a doorway and he used his hands to shoo him away.
A few moments later...

They were unconscious. As Luhan has had his experience with natural medicines, he took the time to quickly observe them, in case they had any devices attached to them.
There were none, fortunately.

Luhan ground up the flowers and plants until it was nothing but mush. He mixed some water with it to make it easier to swallow.

Now was the tricky part, forcing it down their throats.

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