Chapter Thirty Five

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"Oh here we go again" Baekhyun retorted. Every time he sneaks out, he receives the same response from his husband-to-be.

Why did you sneak out?

You know it's dangerous out there!

Why didn't you tell me?

"Don't talk to me like that, Baek. You snuck out, AGAIN?!" Chanyeol raised his voice.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes.
"I thought you'd be used to it by now"

"Clearly not..." Baekhyun concluded, completely careless of the situation he was in. He limped up the stairs and heard his lover follow slowly behind him with a first aid kid prepared.
Not another word was spoken.

I hope Luhan's situation was better...
Oh, but it wasn't. Sehun was fuming with rage.


"Keep your voice down! You'll wake Irene!" Luhan loudly whispered.

"I can easily put her back to sleep. Why in the hell are you sneaking out behind my back?"

"I went into the capture building, nothing serious"

"Nothing serious?! Are you hearing the words coming out of your mouth?"

"I have fully functioning ears, Sehun. Of course I can hear. And I meant every word I said"

Sehun facepalmed and dragged his hand down his face.
"I cannot believe you would go out and do something THAT dangerous. You can't even fight for yourself!"

It was Luhan's turn to go red with rage, "excuse me?!"

"Oh don't get all defensive. You know you can't defend yourself cause I've never seen you do it!"

"I can fight for myself!"

"I won't believe it till I see it, Luhan. If you really can fight for yourself like any werewolf on the planet can, why don't you do it?"

Luhan froze. "I-I-"

He couldn't form a sentence, let alone a single word. He couldn't bring himself to tell his fiancée.

"Something happened...years ago"

"Oh, right?"

Luhan glared. "Fine, I'll tell you what happened..."

Sehun leaned on the wall and watched his lover sit down and take a deep breathe. "I'm listening"

"Years ago, I was in a pack with Baekhyun. His parents rescued me, as you already know. Baek's parents rescued many wolf cubs that were abandoned-"

"I don't see what this has to do with you not being able to fight"

Luhan gave another death glare, Sehun didn't seem fazed by it. But let him continue.

"So, I made many friends within the pack. One day, me and a friend went deep into the forest. We were both fifteen at the time.
We were just playing...until three other stray wolves appeared out of no where. And they were vicious..."

Luhan took another deep breath before continuing.

"As we were taught how to fight for ourselves, my friend and I took the challenge.
It was a mistake.
I got badly wounded on my back, and one of the wolves held me down and made me watch my friend get ripped to pieces"

A tear slid down Luhan's cheek.

"They told me I was weak, they told me it was my fault he died. And...they were right.
I couldn't defend him, and now he's gone"


"Sehun, this is why I don't fight! Because I tried to fight before, and I failed"

"Luhan, listen to me"

Sehun sat next to Luhan and held his hand, rubbing his thumb over Luhan's wrist for a soothing feeling.

"There's something I could see in you, ever since we had that play fight. Your red eyes"

Luhan raised a brow, "What about them?"

"You really don't know?"

Luhan shook his head. Sehun sighed.

"Red eyed werewolves are extremely rare, almost believed to be extinct.
They're like royalty, the most powerful species of werewolf in the world. They can unlock power unimaginable, and that power can stop the evil that's happening behind those black walls"

"You're just telling bedtime stories, Hunnie. I'm not that kind of wolf..."

"Luhan, you are that kind of wolf! I can see it deep within you. You just need to find out how to unlock it, and use it.
You can start by fighting for yourself again"

Luhan looked at his intertwined hand with Sehun, "will you help me? If all of this is true that is..."

Sehun smiled, "of course I will"
He leaned over and pecked Luhan on the cheek, and watched as his cheeks turned a light pink.

They were about to share another kiss but the sounds of Irene crying echoed throughout the house.

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