A KaiSoo Chapter Twelve

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"Hey, Jongin?" Kyungsoo noticed the familiar tall male in the shopping centre. Jongin turned around and got a fright at the pretty sight next to him. "He-hey Soo!" he gave a little wave.

"What you doing 'round here?" Kyungsoo smiled. Jongin rummaged in his head for words, he couldn't just blurt out, "oh yeah Chanyeol called me to sniff for Baekhyun because he's sensed that he's lying". It would sound ridiculous to Kyungsoo.

"Chanyeol didn't want to come here alone...so I agreed to come with him. I'm not here for anything" Jongin smiled back. Kyungsoo nodded in understanding, "Doesn't he have a boyfriend now?"

Jongin nodded. "Well...that's kinda another reason why we're here. Baekhyun's gone missing...". Nice one Jongin...

"WHAT?!" Kyungsoo gaped. "Let me help you!"
Jongin went red, "no! No no no it's okay Soo. We'll find him!" he stuttered. Kyungsoo raised a brow, "you don't want me to help?"

"No...yes! Yes of course I want you to help!" Jongin was becoming a mess now. What are you doing to me Kyungsoo?!

Kyungsoo smiled widely, "can I ask you something Jongin?"

"Ye-yes of course"

Kyungsoo opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, but no words came out. He quickly shut it. And looked down.


"It doesn't matter Nini...it's not important..."

"No no, it must be. Ask me"

Kyungsoo shook his head and started walking away. A pair of strong arms stopped him instantly. The arms then wrapped themselves around Kyungsoo's waist.

"You're not going anywhere till I find out what you were going to ask-"

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a date but it doesn't matter, okay?!" Kyungsoo shouted, his face going strawberry-red.

Jongin's eyes widened. "Now you know, please let me go Nini..."

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you"

Did I hear that right?

"What did you say?"

"I said, yes I'll go on a date with you, Soo"

Kyungsoo's eyes popped out their sockets again. Jongin let Kyungsoo go and let him turn to face him. "Did you want to go right now?" Jongin asked the blushing male.

Kyungsoo nodded shyly. And with that, Jongin grasped the smaller's hand and they went to a small cafe. Pretty cakes and treats made both the boys' mouths water. They made their orders and took a seat next to the window.

"One minute we were helping Chanyeol look for Baekhyun and now we're here...how did this happen?" Jongin chuckled to himself. Kyungsoo's eyes went wide once again, "we could've done this another time. I'm sorry Nini!"

"Forget about it, Baekhyun will turn up"

Their orders arrived and Jongin nearly drooled at the sight of his cake. He took a sniff of it and without hesitation, took a huge bite out of it.

"You remind me of a puppy Jongin"

Jongin nearly choked on his mouthful. Kyungsoo gave him an apologetic look as soon as Jongin swallowed the cake. "Sorry Nini" Kyungsoo scratched the back of his head.

"It's okay, but what made you say that?"

"The way you sniffed the cake" Kyungsoo chuckled. "You looked like a puppy about to devour a bowl of biscuits"

"But what if I am what you call a 'puppy', Soo?"
Jongin looked at his half eaten cake. Was he really about to come clean, right now?

"What do you mean by that?" Kyungsoo raised a brow.

"Think about it" Jongin replied softly. He didn't dare look at his crush, cause he already concluded that he'd get rejected.


Oh here it comes, the rejection I've expected

"You're a werewolf?" Kyungsoo didn't look up from his food either. Jongin glanced at him quickly before eating again.

Jongin nodded, "Mmm hmm" he softly said.


Jongin's head snapped up, "What did you say?"

"I said, awesome"

Jongin thought he was going insane. Did Kyungsoo, the love of his life since high school, just say that him being a werewolf was...awesome?

"I honestly never expected that reaction from you"

Kyungsoo chuckled softly, "some part of me always knew...somehow"
Jongin smiled widely. Wait, am I...crying?

A tear or two slid down Jongin's cheeks and Kyungsoo started to panic.
"What is it Nini?! What's wrong?!" he grabbed some napkins and passed them to his lover. Watching him with a worried expression painted on his face.

"I'm fine Soo, it's just...being accepted as a werewolf is difficult these days. And having your crush accept you just like that is a miracle to me..."

"Wait, I'm your crush?"

Jongin realised what he just said. But he thought again, I accepted your date offer...isn't it a bit obvious?

Jongin nodded at Kyungsoo, "I understand you feel the same way?"

Kyungsoo nodded also.

The two males smiled at each other. Jongin stretched out his arm with his hand open, Kyungsoo gladly held it.

They sat there looking into each other's eyes until a loud knock emerged from the window, and an angry Chanyeol was on the other side.

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