Chapter 3

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I walk in the door and call out to Richard and the kids, all i hear is silence and it unnerves me. Where are they?  I go check the kitchen to see if Richard left a note to let me no where he has gone with our kids. I search every where but there is no note or anything to tell me where they are. I head back into the front room and get out my phone and bring up Richards number and hit call. It rings a few times and he answers.

*Hello Annya what can i do for you?*

*Where are you? I came home to sort dinner out and no one is here and there is no note to let me no where you are,  i got worried thats all* I am passing the floor with worry. Normally if one of us leaves the house while the other is out we used to leave a note just to let each other no where we are and to be safe.

* Well i have taken the kids out to dinner because i had no idea what time you would be home, you just left and didn't say what time you would be home or if you would be back in time to sort out dinner. Some one had to be responsible and look after our children Annya, and as you had walked out with out saying a word i thought i should sort them out* He sounds so smug down the phone line. I bet if i could see his face he would be sneering at me.

*You no i would always be home to sort the kids dinner out Richard i have never not  done it. You just done this out of spite because you want to make me look bad* I should have seen this coming but yet again i am caught off guard by him.

*I don't need to make you look bad Annya you do that all by your self, And as for always coming home to feed them, well i just could not be sure now could i?. I mean you just go out when you like and you didn't even make sure the kids would be ok when you left.*

*Your a lying bastard and you know it, I asked you if you wanted me to take the kids with me while i went and had coffee with Jess and you said they would be fine with you. And i checked on them outside when i left , I would never just walk out and leave them*  He is just trying to push my buttons and i can't let him. I refuse to play into his hands this time, them days are long gone.

* What ever Annya, just remember how things look to people and i can talk a convincing story as you well Know. Now i must go i got the kids to look after, enjoy your time a lone.* The phone line goes dead and i stop my self from throwing it across the room. I fall to floor in tears, heavy sobs wrack my body as i let the tears fall. I stay there for about 15 minuets before I pull my self together, I can't let the kids see me like this and no way in hell will I give him the satisfaction of seeing me like this. I head to the bath room to clean up my face and blow my nose. Just as i come out of the bath room i hear the car pull up and the kids charge in the door, just grate they are all hipped up and full of sugar.  They come running up to me all giggles and happy,  i wrap my arms around them both and take a deep breath and sniff their sent. Grace smells like wild flowers but it's not pungent it's just a mellow smell that you catch from her. And Luke smells of cut grass and fresh air, it reminds me of watching him out side playing foot ball.

*Mummy. Daddy took us to McDonalds for dinner, he said you didn't want to come. We missed you so much, you missed so much fun* Grace squeals as she bounces down the hall to the front room. She's heading to the t.v  to watch the kids channel. Luke gives me a high five and heads to his room to play his xbox no doubt.

I follow Grace to the front room to check on her, she's in front of the t.v trying to decide which cartoon to watch. Bless her I walk into the kitchen to clean up. I load the sink as it fills with hot water and i flick the kettle on. Just as i turn back around Richard is there leaning against the units. I do my best to ignore him and just get on with the washing up, but he comes closer and leans in to me.

* Do you feel left out Annya? oh what a shame. You can make all this stop you no, you just have to say the words and i can make this all go away. His hand comes around to grab my breast over my t-shirt  and roughly gropes it, I try to push his hand away but he just grabs harder. It hurts and i hate it, he leans in to kiss me but i step away from him. His hand is still on my breast and he looks down at it and squeezes harder, I hiss at him but not with pleasure but pure agony. He finally removes his hand and looks happy with the pain he has inflicted on me, He  is getting a kick out of seeing me in pain so i try to hide my tears from him, i turn around and get on with the dishes.

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