Chapter 2

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Thankfully it's mot too cold as i stand on the corner of my street waiting for Jess to come pick me up. Richard can't see me from the house but it does nothing to ease my nerves. It does not take Jess long to come pick me up, i jump in the car and we head off. She looks at me worried and to be fair i think she should be. things could get very messy for her. We head for our coffee shop on the out skirts of Milton Keynes, it's our go to place to avoid any one who knows us.

*You look like shit girl* she says to me as she keeps her i on the road a head.

*I feel it Jess, Richard just played his trump card via his solicitor and he is pretty smug about it* My voice cracks a bit as i look over to her.

*we had a feeling he would play dirty though* she says with a quick glance at me

*Oh this low even for him Jess* i say shacking my head as i wipe a stray tear from my eyes

*That does not sound good babe, anything i can help with?* She's pulling into the car park,  looks at me and turns the engine off.*Lets get a coffee in you before you tell me*

Thank god she's so good at reading me, i just hope after this bit of news she will still want to be my friend. We go in side and order our coffees and go take a seat. It's not too busy today but then i remember it's half term, so most mums will be trying to keep the kids busy.

*So whats happened babe?*

*Well my solicitor called me to day to in form that Richards solicitor had been in touch. Short story is if i try to go for custody of the kids he'll make things hard* My hands shack as i add the sugar to my coffee.

*Did the solicitor say how?*

*No i got that information from him self, and like i said he's very smug about it*

*Oh something tells me i'm not going to like this am i?*

*No your not and neither will any one else who is offering support and help with the kids. Basically he knows about you and Mick seeing each other and said if you help me get custody of the kids in court he will inform Jamie about your little meet ups* There i have said it, i look up to Jess and watch her expression change, she's mad and who can blame her.

*What the fuck, how does he know. You haven't said anything have you Annya?*

*No Jess i have kept it to my self , it's not my seceret plus i would never betray you like that babe* I lean over and rub her hand, she's gone ghostly white. *I'm ever so sorry Jess i swear i had no idea he would find out let alone threaten me with it and your self of course*

*I'm sorry Annya i no you would never tell him anything about Mick and i. I knew he was an arsehole but this in even low for him.* She looks at me and i can see the worry in her eyes.

*It's not just you though babe, he has a little bit on anyone who could possabley help me, i had to come tell you and explain why i have decided that i can't fight for custody against him. He will ruin too many lives and make sure i not only look like a worthless mother but that the people who i care about are dragged through the mud, I've no idea how he found out about this or anything else for that matter but he has always had a way of find shit out about my brothers before i do. I'm screwed no matter what i do and i am not risking my family or friends, it's breaking my heart just thinking about giving up but i am so low and run down with all this and watching him sit smug is just adding to it all.* I am in full floods of tears now and i am just glad we sat in a quiet corner.

Jess comes closer and hugs me as i wipe my eyes.

*You can't let him win babe, thats what he wants.*

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