Author's Note • 1

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Hey guys so I made a new story, it's called A Thousand Miles and I really think you guys should check it out! I have a few chapters on already. And thank you by the way for a hundred reads here! But check out A Thousand Miles because it's somewhat a cute love story in my opinion because ... you know, some people think e-dating is stupid. Some e-relationships are, but I made sure this was different. So anyways yeah. Thank you guys so much and I would love it if you checked out A Thousand Miles! Oh and Valentine's Day by unattachings is also really cute I absolutely love it, and help her because there's this dude who keeps stealing her story ideas it's honestly so annoying. Especially the character names. -.- So yeah that's it, thanks for reading guys!

- HelloRyley

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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