Chapter 2

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Dear Ross,

I don't even know why I named you Ross. You're a book. Oh wait, I probably got it from that show on E Network ... you know, Hello Ross? Yeah whatever. I bought you (by 'you' I'm referring to a journal) because I thought it was pretty lame for a person like me to be keeping a journal and so I wanted to try it. Got a problem with that? Good because I'm gonna be writing on you for a long time. So anyways, right now I'm in my break and currently sitting next to André eating a slice of pepperoni pizza.

Let me tell you how my day's been going for the first 2 periods. Hell.

So you know my ex-boyfriend, Joey? Oh wait you don't, how stupid of me. Well let me tell you about this jackass who went swallowing this slut's face by the bowling alley the other night. We went out for about 3 months, which means that we dated through the whole summer. We started going out about a month before school ended and I haven't seen him since then. Not until the other night, that is. He sure looked like he was having fun swallowing that chic's face. It still makes me sick.

So anyway, I--

"He seems pretty cool," Torie says as she points to this new kid who's apparently named Tyler. "I think I'll go ask him to sit with us."

"Torie, stop."

I think I should let you guys know that Tyler and I have met before. And I wouldn't say it ended up nicely.

"Hello Tyler."

"Torie, sit down." I say through grutted teeth.

"Would you like to sit with us, Tyler?" She asks as she turns her head in my direction.

I squish my pizza.

"Torie, can I have a word with you?" I ask as I remove the remaining pizza that's stuck on my fingers.

"Sure, Dakota," she says cheerfully alongside Tyler.

"Do you want me to punch you?"

"But we just wanted--"

"Do you know who he is?"

"No, but we will soon. If you just let him sit with us."

If only they knew what happened between us ... but I never bothered telling them, of course.

My friends have coherently agreed that Tyler and I make a cute couple due to the way we both dress.

Because a person's fashion sense could totally determine their future.

--was enjoying the company of my food and the table and the concrete until Torie gladly interrupted me so now I have to change the topic. Right, now let's talk about Tyler. My dear, sweet little Tyler ... oh the things you did to me three summers ago. Remember that night at the park? Yeah, that night when I thought that we were about to start something beautiful but ended up as something that I'll never forget. And not the good kind of thing ... the total opposite.

I think they all should know what happened that night, Tyler. Because I can't seem to get it off my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about you even 5 months after that incident. And that's when I turned into the Dakota that I am today. No one knows that, only you do.

I worked at a diner a few weeks after I turned 14, and if you guys noticed, was three summers ago.

That's where I met Tyler. And since that night at the park, I strictly prohibited my parents from bringing me to that diner.

I served food while he cleaned the tables. And during our breaks we would sit on the table at the very end of the diner that was visible only to the costumers in that certain side of the diner. We got closer within a few weeks ... and at some points in our lazy chats during our breaks, I would catch him holding my hand under the table. And what could I do? I liked him back so I let it be.

I liked him. A lot. We texted day and night. Sometimes I'd stay a few minutes after work just so we could spend more time together. I knew from the start that this was just some summer fling but I kept telling myself that it was much more than that.

And so you asked me to be your girlfriend. I said yes, because by that time I've already fallen in love with you. We went biking together, watched movies ... and of course, we went to the park. I found it really cute because that's all the money you had yet you chose to spend it on our little dates. You were only 14. But I still liked you anyway.

Then came the night at the park. The last time I called you my boyfriend, and me your girlfriend. We were both at the swings. You invited me to this tunnel next to the monkey bars. It was late so we were the only ones left ... and that's when you decided to execute your little plan.

We kissed inside that tunnel and I told you that I loved you ... for a couple of times. You never said it back. But I didn't care. We had our first kiss--and our last--inside that tunnel. It's funny thinking of all the things you could do when you're in love. Then your hands started fiddling with my shirt.

Specifically, under my shirt.

The next thing I knew was that I heard laughter and you weren't inside that tunnel with me anymore. Needless to say, you were with your friends ... right outside that tunnel. Were they there the whole time this happened?

The moment you guys saw me ... you ran. You guys left me there, alone. And do you know how much memories it brings back whenever I pass by that park?

Let me just ask you a quick question, Tyler: What did you do with that video? What did you do with that video of me topless inside that tunnel?

Did you and your friends laugh about it even more?

Because tell you what, sweetie. It's left some scars behind ... and you're about to see them.

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