Chapter 2 - Old and New Friends

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"Hey Mark, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"Just stopping by to drop off a few things.." he smiled nervously and then I knew he was hiding something.

"Maarrkk what are you REALLY doing here?" I asked raising my eyebrow and using what Matt calls a 'soul stealing death glare'. I only use it when I know someone is lying to me or when someone makes me mad.

"...OK..OK I'll tell you just stop using the soul stealing death glare it's burning into my soul," he says looking away.

"Oh come on! I think you are being wayyy to over dramatic about this," I said chuckling a little.

"Am not!" he says like a little kid.

"Are too and....wait a minute..stop trying to change the subject!! what are you doing here!" I inquired.


"DUDE REALLY WHY DID YOU SELL ME OUT!" I heard Matt say and I quickly look around but don't see him.

"Ok am I going crazy or did I just hear Matt?" I questioned looking to Mark.

"No he's on my phone," Mark says looking down and handing me the phone.

"Hey!..(Y/N)!!....what gave it away??" Matt with a nervous smile trying to look as innocent as possible.

"MATTHEW ROBERT PATRICK what on earth did you do this time oh, and I don't know maybe because mark isn't very good at lying?" I say using my death glare that Matt thinks is worse then my 'soul stealing death glare'

"Weellll,"Matt says while his voice gets a little higher.


Well....IsentMarktospyonyouandtomakesureyoudidn'tgetintoanydangerandortrouble," Matt said really fast.(I sent Mark to spy on you and make sure you Didn't get into any danger and or trouble).

"Thanks for your concern but I'll be fine....and just for the record I don't get into danger or trouble," I said.

"Says the girl who almost broke her arm when she fell off of a 9 foot slide trying to jump down and land on her feet,"Matt said giving me a 'are you serious right now' kind of look.

"HEY! I WAS A KID!! how was I supposed to know it was that high?" I asked.

"It happened two days ago,"Matt pointed out.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!! I was a kid man!" I said trying to hold in a laugh but failed. Matt just chuckled and smiled and I could pretty much see him shaking his head.

"Well I gotta get to my dorm I'll talk to you guys later," I said and walked off before giving them the chance to realize I just walked off along with Mark's phone.

I quickly walked off trying to find the office, once I found it I got my dorm number and a map of the campus, which I didn't use because I hated maps, and got lost because I hate maps, but it was worth it. I walked around until I stopped by a door I heard music coming out of. Let's just say my curiosity got the best of me. I opened it quietly walked into the door to find a huge auditorium. I looked to see a huge stage and a single spot light shining down on a guy who looks to be around my age playing a guitar and singing a song. I quietly sat down in one of the middle seats so he wouldn't notice me but also where I could see and hear him up close.

Now will you taakke me along
When you fly awaay and play your song. Cause' seven years is far too loonnnge.

I know she knows she gives me everything. Gives me courage, Gives me wisdom, Gives me strength. For her I only hope I do the same.

Now I won't ever be the same ever since I've learned this princess' name.
Now it seems there's just no other way I'll win her heart by the dawn of the third day.

When I'm high and dry she's my song of storms.
When I'm cold at night her dins fire keeps me warm.
Could feel her since the day that I was born.

When I bloodied, battered, beaten from the longest fights.
she hookshots straight to my heart and hold me tight.
We'll stay up late and share our stories all night.

Now I won't ever be the same ever since I've learned this princess' name.
Now it seems there's just no other way I'll win her heart by the dawn of the third day.

(Instrumental) as he stopped singing for a few seconds he played a pan flute. Then he started sing and playing the guitar again.

Now I won't ever be the same ever since I've learned this princess' name.
Now it seems there just no other way I'll win her heart by the dawn of the third day.

As he finished his song I clapped and he looked straight at me and he looked a little bit startled.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you..OH! and by the way great song," I said smiling.

"Thanks?" He said smiling a little.

I walked up to the stage and extended my hand.

"I'm (Y/n)!" I smiled

"Nate," he said smiling shaking my hand.

"So are you new around here?" He asked.

"Yeah..are you?" I asked back to him.

"Yeah, um I just got set up in my dorm and came in here to pass some time,"

"Cool I was just heading to my dorm but I got a little lost.." I laughed a bit. He smiled and chuckled.

"Didn't they give you a map??" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah but I threw it in the trash because I hate maps and think they are pointless plus I don't like stuff telling me what to do.." I said chuckling. He chuckled.

"Well if you want I can walk you to your dorm," he said smiling.

"Ummmm yeah that would be nice," I smiled and with that we walked out to find my dorm

And they were never seen ever again lmao jk

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