A True Christmas Miracle

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Y/n's POV

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH," Haley Screamed bloody murder.

"WHAT IS IT, IS IT A SPIDER?? IF SO YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!!!!" I jumped down from the ladder i was currently on, while hanging up Christmas decorations, running to her panicking.

"No I just needed your attention," Haley said innocently. I instantly facepalmed, having a mini existential crisis and wondering why I even try anymore. I rolled my eyes and began walking back and proceeding my task Because tonight we were having a mini get together with all our friends and family that could make it, in our dorm.

"Well what do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Don't roll your eyes at me for one thing and also HOT TOPIC JUST GOT A SHIPMENT OF STAR LABS SWEATSHIRTS!!!!!" She yelled bouncing off the walls with excitement.

"Okay and?" I aksed.

"AAANNNNNNNDDDDDD, you would be the best cousin to ever walk the earth if you got me one," she said trying to suck up to me.

"Mmhmm," I said with a slight trace of sarcasm lacing my voice.


"I'll think about it," I said pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

"YAY!!" She said excited. I turned away and continued to decorate.

Haley's POV

As Y/n was turned around and distracted, I quickly hung some mistletoe in the corner of the room where I knew she would be most of the party.

Then scurried away quickly and continued to decorate. Then I snuck off to get her Christmas present wrapped up, I had gotten her a Foxy plushy because I knew she was saving up for one. I was walking down the hall when I bumped into a tall wall with muscles. I then realised that walls don't have abs because walls are physically incapable of physical therapy and are immobile.

"Hey Haley," Grant said with that dreamy smile of his, WHAT AM I SAYING I HAVE TO FOCUS!!,........or on second thought maybe I can talk for a few seconds.

"Hello Grant!" I Greeted waving awkwardly trying to hide my blush. We stayed there in silence for a moment until I spoke up.

"So, will you be attending tonight's festivities in our residence at 6 O'clock pm Pacific Standard Time?" I asked as close to 'english' as Y/n calls it as possible even though I am perfectly capable of socializing in the human language, although I am also slightly fluent in Spanish as well. Y/n is quite fond of emphasizing that I sound like a artificial intelligence or 'Robot' as she calls them.

"Uh, yeah I guess I could stop by for a few minutes," Grant said.

"That is quite acceptable, you shall have a enjoyable experience," I said and quickly said goodbye while walking away.


Nate's POV

I was getting ready for Y/n's and Haley's party tonight and checked on the present I got Y/n for Christmas

I got us Matching Bracelets because I thought it might be a nice way to finally ask her to be my girlfriend tonight

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I got us Matching Bracelets because I thought it might be a nice way to finally ask her to be my girlfriend tonight. I'm really nervous and was having second thoughts and then got the idea to call my buddy Jack.

~Call~ (N= Nate - J= Jack)

J- hey nate what's up?

N- hey Jack, I need some advice

J- shoot

I told him everything.

N- so what do you think?

J- go for it man, I sure everything will be fine

N- ok thanks Jack

J- yeah, No problem

And with that Jack and I said our goodbyes and hung up

Mark's POV

I was getting ready for the party tonight with Amy and chica came up pulling on my sleeve.

"What is it chica pica?" I asked, she ran around in circles and sat down and looked outside. I chuckled and let her outside. I heard pounding on the door and then Ethan came barreling through the door (through is the 666 word) with Tyler, bob, jack, and wade in tow.

"Where is he?" Tyler asked looking mad, while the others were laughing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"E- Ethan w-was p-playing sunshine l-lollipops th-the w-whole way here," Jack said laughing his ass off on the floor.

"Yeah and Tyler was yelling at him the whole way and it was hilarious," wade said laughing as well. We all laughed and finished getting ready

~le time skip brought to you by SON OF A BITCH~

Y/n's POV

The party was going great and I was standing in my corner. I was minding my own business watch everyone have a great time (everyone on the characters list, except the dogs, dark side's, and Haley's brother) when Nate walked up.

"Hey Y/n," he said smiling

"Hey Nate," I said returning the gesture. Then haley popped up out of no where like usual, smirking and pushed us together yelling something about tradition. We laughed at her antics and I looked up seeing why she was acting weird.

"Ooohhh, yup that explains it," I said laughing

"Mind giving me a penny for your thoughts?" Nate asked

"Well we are kinda under the mistletoe," I said looking down smiling. I felt a finger under my chin, lifting it up. I looked up to be met with deep brown eyes, Nate's deep brown eyes.

"Well tradition is tradition, wouldn't wanna break it," he said smirking and kissing me and I kissed back. When I opened my eyes I seen Nate take my hand in his and felt something wrap around my wrist. I looked down to see a beautiful sliver bracelet that said 'his Queen' on it and I just noticed that Nate had a similar bracelet that said 'her king' on it.

"Y/n, I like you and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe, be my girlfriend?" Nate asked, I smiled and kissed him.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" He chuckled


He smiled and we had a great rest of the night. It was amazing
It Was A True Christmas Miracle


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