family visits

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After we got to my dorm I thanked Nate and he left. I was putting my stuff away, when someone knocked on my door. I opened it and was shocked. My best friend standing right there.

"LLOYD?!?!?!?!?" I shouted surprised and happily.

"Y/N!!" He shouted with open arms as I hugged him.

"What are you doing here??".

"I'm your new roommate".

"Really??" I asked as I stepped aside to let him in our new dorm.
he walked in and placed his things down.

"So how are you and Mat? I haven't seen you guys in ages," He asked.

"Well I'm doing great and Mat is doing just fine in fact stephanie and him just just had a little baby pat and he is just the cutest little thing," I said smiling.

"Wow Y/n i didn't know you felt that way about your brother," Lloyd said jokingly while smirking.

I playfully slapped him arm acting like I was offended.

"You know I meant the baby," I said.

"Yeah I know just like you know how i hate your incorrect use of grammer in Wattpad stories and in real life," He said smiling.

I laughed "well now all of that aside how is Logan?" I asked

"He's fine," he said.

We put our stuff up and laughed at old memories, like the time I left him stranded in a tent on Halloween

"So what do you wanna do now?" He asked as we sat down after decorating our room in black, blue, white, and blood red.

"Well I was planning on going to walk around campus to get to know my way around since I obviously don't know how to read directions on a stupid map of said campus and couldn't even find my way to our dorm," I said.

"Wait, if you couldn't find your way to our dorm and I know you hate asking for directions for three reasons 1) you think it's awkward 2) you don't like talking to people unless they talk to you first and 3) you're too lazy and say it's too much did you get here?".

"Well...." I said in a higher pitched voice than normal.

"Thats the voice you use when you have something to tell me but are too embarassed and think I'll make fun of you for it, nervous, or when you're hiding something, tell me or I will tickle you!" He said.

"OK!ImetacuteguynamedNateandhewalkedmetomydormafterIkindaspyedonhimandheplaysguitarandsingsamazinglyandIcan'thelpbutsmilewhenIthinkabouthimeventhoughIjustmethim," (I met a cute guy named Nate and he walked me to my dorm after I kinda spyed on him and he plays guitar and sings amazingly and I can't help but smile when I think about him even though I just met him) I said really fast.

"Damn you and matt really are brother and sister, if i didn't know any better I'd say you guys are twins the way you act and look sometimes," He laughed.

"Don't be silly, I'm nothing like matt!" I smiled.

"You're right, he got the brains and your stronger than him!" He smirked.

"Hey!" I said offended.

He laughed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Did you order pizza or something?" Lloyd asked as he looked through the peep hole on our door.

"No.....?" I said confused as i got up and opened the door to see Mark standing there with a large f/k (favorite kind) pizza.

"Oh hey Mark!" Lloyd said as he sat down on her bed.

"Hey Lloyd!" Mark said as I opened the door up so Mark could come in. Mark sat down on a red bean bag I had.

"What are you doing here Mark?" I asked confused as I shut the door.

"What? No hello Mark?" He asked faking being offended.

"Wow for someone who acts alot and does improv you really can't act, Now what are ya doing here mark!" I said giving a stern look. Mark and I have always picked on each other like this because he's like a brother to me just like stephanie and amy are like sisters to me.

"Well I'm here to get my phone back," he said and I smiled.

"Nah, I think I'll keep it for a few days!" I said evilly, while smirking.

"Ok, um how about if a trade you this pizza for it!" he said opening the box to let me look inside.

"Nah, i could buy a ton of pizza's like that with the money I'm gonna get by auctioning off your phone," I said smirking because i have a plan.

"You evil, evil person!" he said trying to give me his best death glare but it didn't work cause it just looked like he was trying to fart.

"Mark, No offense but your death glare needs work it looks like your trying to let out a massive fart," I said while trying to hold in a laugh, Lloyd on the other hand cracked and was laughing so hard he rolled off of his bed onto the floor and proceeded to roll under his bed while still laughing.

"Fine, what do you want!" He said defeated, I on the other hand had a evil smile on my face knowing I won this little mind game.

"Well... there is maybe a couple of things I had in mind" I said casually. Lloyd had finally stopped laughing and poked his head out from under his bed like a cat would.

"Ok, what is it?" He said.

"Well for one thing I will take that pizza because we haven't had dinner yet, and second how about you get us eight backstage passes to a My Chemical Romance concert?".

"Fine, WAIT WHY EIGHT?!??!?" Mark asked.

"Well there will be eight of us duh!" I said.

"Well I know that but who all are you taking?".

"One for me obviously, and one for you, one for amy, one for matt, one for stephanie, one for Lloyd, one for dan ,and one for my friend Nate,".

"Wait, who's Nate?" He asked.

"None of your buisness," I said.

"Fine, Now where is my phone?" He asked.

"Fine, here!" I said handing him his phone.

He took his phone and started walking out of our dorm.

"WAIT! Mark you forgot to leave the pizza!" I yelled out after him.

"NO I DIDN'T!" He yelled back.

I got an idea and ran out into the hall and yelled

"FREE PIZZA AND A FAMOUS YOUTUBER!!" as I yelled that a bunch of hungry college kids came out of their dorms and stampeeded Mark for the pizza, pictures, and autographs.

"EVIL!!" I heard Mark yell and seen him flip me off as he disappeared into the crowd (picture above)

I laughed and went back into my dorm. To see Lloyd still under his bed.

"Come out from under there Lloyd so you can tell me what you want on your half of the pizza," I said as i picked up my phone to call the pizza place.

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